Grandmother 1:1s

These are the times to sit within a sacred tobacco circle and journey through lifetimes!
We are living within constricted circumstances which call for the courage
To break through to break down defenses to move into the unknown!

What would call your soul to a ONE TO ONE with an Elder of the Golden Reindeer Moon Lodge?
*anxiety keeping one from deep rest and deep sleep and thus lack of restorative experiences
*fear of responseability, fear of change, fear of decisionmaking, fear of cocreating, fear of the unknown
*tired of spinning in circles determined by outer authorities and science filled date, statistics, information
*deeply desiring love belongingness contentment satisfaction with one’s way of living
*profoundly feeling this higher calling to serve for a greater benefit for all relations
*missing the wilderness missing wild hearts missing a way that is conducive to a future earth

These ONE TO ONEs are an opportunity to step into a time space sacred and just for you!
No interruptions, leave your worries in the basket outside the door, no checklists
Or have tos or should and musts.

These are JOURNEYS OF LIFETIMES guided by an Elder of her reindeer lineage,
A mentor who has served the genius of youth for 4 decades,
Thousands of beings have experienced her calm, the grace she brings to
Chaotic moments, her fierceness for truths to be told, beyond stories about!

By deeply looking into the MIRRORS of our lives, we finally see the ancestors
Who breathe us life today. Ancestors whose genetic endowments,
Whose cultural upbringings shadow our greatest light!

AND these are the ONES who pray for your release and liberation
So that all relations can remember: what is our souls purpose on earth

*one hour and half plus 15 minute FEEDBACK debrief within 5 days afterwards
*requests: no sexual activities 48 hours prior, no marijuana nor alcohol 48 hours in advance,
*ask for our INTAKE before JULY 6, 2022 and complete and forward prior to your ONE TO ONE
*sign the WAIVER form prior to our JOURNEY
*agree to participate in SELF LOVE SELF CARE PLAN for at least 5 days

Post session (you will be gifted that template by my assistant When the INTAKE is fwded to us)

The more information you offer within the INTAKE inquiries
The purer the love will flow between your ancestors, you
And your soul and this Grandmother.

I am available for 5 week and 7 week sessions starting July 26 until September 30 2022 when the souls calling is for more depth and less pain!
More presence and less armouring. More spiritual discipline and less quagmiring!

*time space prior, during, afterwards for SELF LOVE SELF CARE SELF RESPECT practices and deep breathing
*$222usd for the session, cash only with gratitude
(work exchanges are welcomed as are herbal gifts NB no jewellery nor clothing, thanks)
Tobacco is a traditional giveaway for the presence of an Elder.
Organic spirit tobacco preferred with your ayni or reciprocity.

Ask for a thorough BIOGRAPHY
As well as for testimonials when your heart needs this assurance; and we can fwd 4 ezines via CoCreavatars with more details as to our services and collective members!

For now, prayers for global peace and rejuvenation,
Grandmother Kaariina Turquoise Heart
CoCreavatars Collective
Golden Reindeer Moon Lodge
Obsidian moon pipe
Tourmaline mothers of pearl
Om vajra rekhe ah hung

GMA’s Gratitude for Closure of CoCreavatar Full Moon and New Moon Offerings

Art by Autumn Skye

As Grandmother of the Turquoise Heart,
It has been my joyous challenge to mentor the genius of youth
Through these newsletters of gatherings harvestings distributing our
Mutual whealth for 8 years now.

Dana S Wilson: may this find your permaculture farm up the Lilouette
Valley BC thriving, knowing that you are truly a Sherpa kin
And capable of so so so much! You were faithful to playing with
The triple braid of my genetics in our design of those first few
Newsletters. Thank you from the bottom of my gardens heart!
I NOW have a small yard and garden! Yahoo!

Sonia: your artistry and remembering of my turtle medicine
Kept us moving into more spaciousness. Your photography
And layout inspired us each and all to expand! May your earthbased
Products gift folks with much healing and remedies for lost
Parts of souls in these days! You are so so so loved.

Dr Miku Lenintine brought forth our landbased New Moon ezines
Focussing upon one Elder per month,
You put us on the Trello Board of our lives so that we could develop
More TEAMNESS vibrantly as well as track our tasks and accomplish more!
Dr Miku, you set us up for success with calendars for thirteen months
Of HUDDLES for delegation of tasks for the publication of these ezines.
AND you fluted us into the timespace in which we could settle
Into coherence. You are the embodiment of Kuan Yin!

While Dr Peeyush Kumar cocreated the incredible OFRENDA for our
Elders now on the other side, inspiring many to speak these ones
Names with deep reverence for all they left as legacies.

Each one of over 11 young ones over these 8 years have grown
Evolved courage and competences beyond their horizons,
And enriched my lifetime immeasureably

AND we conjointly cocreated a FULL MOON ezine that has become
A fully embodied grounded and rooted celebration
And recalibration of the sacred laws: As above so below
As within so without!

Lizzie: we could not have expressed and expanded without your kundalini
Yogic astrology nor your wild embodiments and mature raising family
Up in Maine PRESENCE! And you initiated us to the CAUSE
Of the MONTH, helping to mature us into generosity!
Thank you!

Nikki: you brought forth not only the Turquoise Heart
But the Mayan totems for each of the Thirteen Moons!
I felt the benefit and awakening to our wilderness creature
Teachers with each one! Gratitude!

Reva: you brought your wildfire and your horsepower
To our efforts to ride the winds of humanity
Through the teachings of Jose Arguelles
And The Mandala and the Mayan Calendar. It gifted
Us all with an overarching remembering of many cultures
Of timekeeping and the spiritual laws of noosphere.
As well, eventually what emerged is that we all live
UPON A MANDALA that is indeed ALIVE!

Molly: you are a techno wizard aromatherapy spritzer QUEEN!
I sit with your activation for the pineal mmmm upon your symbols
Right here on my desk! Thank you for orchestrating our TEAM photo
As well as what was needed for our Festivals on line in 2020!~
Wow, we touched the energy fields of over 4,000 folks that
YEAR! May all be healed healthy hearted and strongly calling upon
Ancestral teachings! Deep bows to your heart Molly!

Peeyush: the great gift you gave me last JULY 2021 was a sumptuous
Full Moon Ezine complete and replete with moon vibrations
And those frequencies of my 73rd rebearthing day!
Bowing down to our Friday night conversations and one to ones.
And the initiation to The Mother Sri Aurobindo and Auroville
For three months! WOW!

Jessica: you stepped into a vortex of healing energies through
Elementals, through the wonderful spiral, through your
Commitments to Elders Voices, and now into your first year
Of Vision Questing! Your ideas manifested as a mapping
Of Gma’s audiovideo Messages and a table of contents
For our beloved readers. Thank you, keep on keeping onwards!

Jennifer: you stepped in as part of your severance from Toronto
Back to Barrys Bay and the great Madawaska river with a kayakers
Determination to keep on paddling! You said YES
To two profoundly articulate ELDERS: Stephen Jenkinson
And Malidoma Some!

May those energies continue to guide all of our relationships
Within the Umbrella Organization: CoCreavatars Network.

Elisha, Oshala Farms in Oregon continued to inspire our choices
For grounding and remedies through HERBS! With great soil
And seed hugs, thank you spirit farm family!

Shannon, you offered your REIKI CRYSTALS and we offered your
Spirits time space within our pages with a deep rooting
To the crystalline core of HER, this earth! What a blessing.

For and to the innumerable artists, musicians, authors, contributors
All, for the collaborators, allies and such incredibly awesome gifted
Cocreative partners, our lives are so amplified with sparkles
With lights with remedies for the soul bodies
Because of YOUR YESNESS to live life fully!

Please accept these accolades and gratitudes to the depths of your roots
To your ancestral lineages and into the air, the fire, the waters,
Through breathe into space! Forgive me if I have forgotten anyone!
Personally when I begin a book reading, I dive deeply into the
Appreciations and Gratitudes! Do forward a name or four if you
Note that I have forgotten!

To the great spirits of the air, the fire, the waters, the earth,
To the guardians of space and those of the winds!
Blessings we dedicate all of our efforts to each of you
Indivislbe one.

Full Moon in Scorpio Astrology

by Elizabeth Jezorski

The Scorpio Full Moon eclipse is here, bringing with it a powerful culmination and internal shift of consciousness. The changes we have been experiencing inwardly, both individually and collectively, are reaching a new threshold. We are tired of games, tired of false realities, tired of maintaining facades. We are tired of bandaid solutions to deeply rooted issues and tired of fighting the same battles in endless exhausting circles. 

With expansive Jupiter now in fire sign Aries, we can expect more action and movement on the near horizon. Change is coming and soon it will feel like the breeze of change has become a hurricane. Now, with Mercury in Retrograde, this eclipse feels like the final call to tie up loose ends and batten the proverbial hatches before we are catapulted into a new reality. 

The arrival of the Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse asks us to align with what is Real. Being Real requires being vulnerable. It means that we choose to be exposed, to the elements and to others, rather than hide away within ourselves. It means we forsake comfort for the sake of honesty and integrity. 

Scorpions are known for their poisonous and painful sting. One quick jab can be fatal and leave irreversible damage. Like a Scorpion sting, the truth can be just as deadly. No lie or false reality can withstand its presence. The work is not to protect the lie however, but rather to withstand the truth. This can be quite difficult for those parts of our egos that are fragile or codependent. 

With a square to Saturn, this Full Moon brings some cold hard truths to light. Secrets may be revealed and some devastating blows may come to our poorly built towers. Saturn asks us to face the bare knuckled truth of the new paradigm we are facing and that we are creating. We may experience challenges to authority figures or to the super ego voice within ourselves. We may have to deal with boundaries and barriers that feel oppressive and limiting. Patriarchal influences may feel overbearing.

This pressure from Saturn is all about testing your commitment to the world you are creating. Is your foundation truly ready to support you? Is this really what you want? Are you willing to take full ownership? There is no turning back once you cross this threshold. 

It is a reminder that death (death is ruled by Scorpio) is the ultimate authority. Death comes to us in many small and large ways throughout life – as the letting go of relationships, the releasing of habits and comfort zones, the shift from one chapter of life to another. Many of these deaths are welcome and desired; some, obviously, are not. 

At this Full Moon, something significant is being touched by the transformational hand of death. The resistance to this necessary shift will be palpable. Death is not an enemy however, she is a powerful ally meant to set us free. 

There is a karmic influence at this Full Moon, both through Saturn’s influence and the influence of the north (conjunct the Sun) and south (conjunct the Moon) nodes. The inner work we have done to become more truthful and authentic human beings will begin to align with and balance our outer realities. Saturn gives what is earned and this is a cosmic checkpoint. Karma is coming home, one way or another. 

Don’t rush through the energies of this Full Moon. Sit with whatever comes up. Listen to your body and to what lies within your heart.  Meet resistance with curiosity rather than defensiveness. Be patient with your response and your words. Time is, ironically, on your side at the moment, even though it may feel otherwise. This is an opportune moment to pause and gather energy as we prepare for the great leap of faith across paradigms.

GMA’s Message: Scorpio Full Moon 2022

By Grandmother Kaariina

Somehow we as humans have forgotten to inquire as to why are we here on this planet, called Earth. Somehow we as two leggeds have forgotten the rhythms and the circadian rhythms specifically for our existence on the plane of realization of being

And thus, awakening to purpose of souls incarnation, to purpose of Earth within its orbital interconnectedness to other planets within this cosmos, has triggered SHOCK!

Once shocked, humans tend to resource what was familiar, whether it be a soothing pink fuzzy blanket, or a small cozy kitten, or a long body of a faithful black dog.  Shockingly aware of our losses of souls purpose, of rhythms, of the dances of particles within this material realm, humans become once more childish.

And thus, when two leggeds are perceiving this magnanimous shift of frequencies as threatening, millions simply have not evolved that capacity to adapt and to inquire: what now is possible.

Long ago, once upon another rhythm less staccato, more lyrical, a story teller revealed the importance of perception.

A child entered its home, and upon ascending to the upper rooms, discovered a pile of horse manure.  That child complained about its smell, and immediately perceived the pile as a difficult, yukky task to clean up  in order to please its mother.

Another child entered its home, upon ascending to the upper rooms, saw, smelt and noted the pile of horse manure.  Immediately, the child threw up its hands and announced: THERE MUST BE A PONY AROUND HERE and looked for it!

When we as humans, as one particular species inhabiting this plane of reality called Earth, live by the desire to avoid rejection by its main source of life, affection, love, nourishment, safety, security, the MOTHER, there is a micro moment of perceiving that we must clean up this mess so that SHE does not punish us with her anger, with her silence, with her hand, with her ignorance, with her unhealthy food choices.  This list continues and many who are suffering now in this current rhythm or cycle of  natural ways are forgetful that a QUESTION can change this inner perception motivated by deeply seeded fear of the external authority, MOTHER WOMB!

Today, just for today, what is YOUR QUEST, your INQUIRY? We encourage you to return to your challenge right now: Sit still. Be in the quietude of your breathe and return to nature. Find a tree with deep roots. Sip the incoming season, be nourished by the waxing of the moon. Awaken to the rising of the sun and its setting time.  Let the soul mind body heart cohere to this greater field called NATURE  our MOTHER.

Let go of the WHY this and the childish desires to deny one’s capacities to respond.  Let this time on Earth, northern and southern hemispheres, spring into summer, fall into winter, reveal what SHE truly is experiencing and what SHE truly offers to us as antidotes to the triggering fears and depth of traumas now arising to be brought to HER altar.

There upon a mountain side, another perspective of the rhythms of life unfolds.  Upon the beaches of the northwest Pacific ocean, tides rise and deposit something new
leaving outgoing tides as a natural movement of what is now being revealed.
Amidst the ancient forests, upon a Gulf Island between the mainland of British Columbia and that island, a humpack whale comes each evening into a small bay of salt water, burpling its way to the night time, shared by a tenting Grandmother. Throughout that darkness, noises  cocreate a field of buzzings, a range of sounds and chords, a rhythm of rising and falling away with NATURE as our CONDUCTOR.  In the sunrise space, the whale awakens to its daytime path and purpose with sounds. Grandmother listens within her body soul to this mindfully giving thanks for another day, a path and purpose.

Stillness evolves into lyrics into a dance of particles moving within the physiology and anatomy, like a skeleton fleshed and encapsulated within skin, decorated with hair and nails, soon clothed, all moves on purpose with a path cocreated from years of camping in these wildernesses, consciously chosen and discovered.

Like the child who raises its enthusiasm at the sight of a pile of manure, perceiving possibility, the humpback whale resources the bay for several nights in a row, the Grandmother engages in her setting up camp rituals one day at a time, melding into this cedar groved atmosphere as ONE of those, of NATURE.

There is a childishness that humans express when basic needs are not met within the point of conception, through gestation, through labour and into delivery into this externalization of the MOTHER”s wombed education of foetus.  And when the MOTHER chooses to clear her own womb wounds, to dance the rhythms of her fertility cycles, to honour and to respect woman’s lunar nature, and her response-abilities to create sanctuary and awakened love for these cycles, perception, purpose, pathways all change!

We are adulting on Earth, and changes within rhythms require inordinate levels of mindfulness of breathe, of states of being, of ways of relating to within and to all around.  We must leave childish ways and relate to the MIRRORS OF MOTHER both biological and wild and look into those dark spaces.  In the darkness, one can finally see the ancestor haunting us, the wounded womb unlanguaged verbally yet occupying our inner time and space.  The silences of family within which punishment for not eating the food prepared lived hanging like some cloud over the earthly plane.

We as two leggeds are all suffering and the QUESTION is what more is possible when we decide at the quantum level to change the decision of an ancestral perception of self in relation to all that is~ How can our WILD MOTHERS soul spirits and purposes, in four leggeds, in winged forms, insects and finned treed and greened, how can SHE offer us refuge and sanctuary within which to discreate an unethical and immoral foundation for all life on Earth?

Retreat is a signal of maturity, of realizing what more is possible requires an inner and outer change.  A return to stillness to silence to the wilderness and the bays of humpback whales.  Be still now, and know what we truly are.  Be still and know that we are the ONES.  Be still, breathe, rest, recover, remember, restore the PLANET to HER highest purpose within this cosmos.  And we will dance as ONE being upon a universal field welcoming our music.

For all of our relations

Turquoise Heart

Bridging Cultures

By Grandmother Kaariina

There comes a time in the seasons of our lives,
During ages and stages
When we finally awaken!
Sometimes the awakening is tragic!
As it is now on planet earth!

And so I offer each of you an opportunity
To see in the MIRRORs of all children
Now migrating taking refuge shocked
By bombings and guns,
Walking held by their mothers
Miles and miles and miles
Before crossing over borders to Poland
To Moldavia to Germany
Some making their ways to North America

CHILDREN whose lives have already been disrupted
By our fear of death manifesting through covid 19
Fear of living fully enjoying life as a playground
By mandates and masks
And now by war,

CHILDREN llike those you see around you all around
Your locations of differing colours and cultures
All of whom migrated earlier in timelines
Escaping wars famines threats to lives of families
Leaving villages and their elderly
And resettling here in North America!

This is a calling to each of our hearts
To realize coherence and divine willingness
To be in service starting with seeing offering
Wording gifting each child currently in these humanitarian
Corridors, walking hungrily for miles sleeping overnight
Nestled within mothers embraces
Finally crossing borders to be met with humaneness
Love and food!

May we see each child as this especially bravehearted
May we bless our own foods and waters and drinks
And remedies as though we are feeding the roots
Of violence roots of scarcity roots of poverty
Roots of empathy for our ancestral lines!

We are all related
For all of our relations

Birthing the new evolution of humanity

by Elena Harder

We are so blessed to share about the birth of grandbaby Jonah Ethan Theophrastus Harder-Rekshan who joined the Rainbow Tribe Earthside on Feb 26th 2022.  His name means “Strong Voice of God’s Peace”. His arrival to earth started in the evening with his parents sweet smooching through the rising bliss of birth surges.  Late night joygasmic giggles turned into a day long journey with the primal goddess shaking her silly tongue every which way and howling through mama Elena as she moved with the flow of birth. Present papa Daniel was calm and caring as he held space and kept the fluids flowing. Brother Alex played games and guarded the dog and door for the whole family. Sweet friend Gemma shared courage and love with them through the most fierce moments. Together trusting the innate wisdom of the feminine body and the wisdom of our ancestors birthing bones this family was re-born stronger and more in love through the right of passage that is conscious wyld birth. 

Ancient Slavic Mythology and the Cosmic Egg

By Maria Shmyrova

I have created my own pysanka during my trip to Odessa, Ukraine last year. The purpose and intention was abundance and prosperity as you notice a spider web pattern on the egg colored in green. It was my first experience of traditional egg decoration. It was not perfect but I enjoyed a very calm and focused state of mind while doing it. I deeply connected to the sacred meaning of the process with the help from the local Ukrainian artist and healer. She gently guided the process through prayer and explanation of every step. My pysanka stood out to her. It was unusual that the egg remained hot to touch long after the process was complete. Apparently, it means I have access to and can channel great amount of life force energy to make anything happen. I believe it is true for all of us. I thank wisdom keepers of Ukraine for giving me this opportunity to reconnect and remember the importance of tradition and ritual. I have offered my pysanka to the sands, to the water, to the earth in prayers for abundance and peace to be resurrected in our native lands of Eastern Europe and the world for we are all connected.

In ancient Slavic mythology, an egg has always been a sacred symbol of the origins of all life, rebirth, and fertility. Pagan Slavic tribes believed eggs carried the power of all creation and unity of the divine feminine and the divine masculine. The narrow top part of the egg was believed to represent the Sun, and the wider end represented the Moon. For Slavs egg also depicted the holy family union between husband and wife that has no beginning or an end represented by the round shape of an egg. This belief gave birth to many sacred rituals that involved eggs, including egg decoration. In pre-Christian era the art of egg decoration was not tied to a specific time of the year, rather it was carried out as a prayer and dedicated ritual practice all year around for various purposes. Pysanka eggs were created with intentions of healing, abundance, protection, and fertility. People gifted each other with pysanka eggs as magic amulets and power attributes for various life occasions.

The process of pysanka creation was regarded as a purification ritual eliminating doubts and fears of making a mistake in the sacred pattern creation  as well as day-to-day life. According to the tradition, only raw eggs were used for decoration by all women who were taught the tradition from young age. Eggs decorated in a state of distress or illness were buried deep in the ground or burnt as an offering. Oftentimes, those eggs would burst amidst the process of decoration or rot the following day after completion having absorbed all the negative energy. Thus, it was believed that the ritual was only to be carried out in a calm state and clear mind for the amulet to gain its magic powers.

The geometry of symbols and sacred patterns are deeply rooted in the mystery of our collective unconscious:
Triangles – family symbol (father, mother, child), spiritual (Father-Mother God and Holy Spirit), elemental (earth, air, fire)
Circles – meaning of life and self-searching
Grids – symbol of interlace between challenges and triumphs in destiny, evil and good
Rings – symbols of maternity and learning
Crosses – the symbol of four directions, four seasons, and the universe
Spirals – the symbol of cyclical nature of life, life force and evolution
Waves – the symbol of water and eternity
Trees – the symbol of unity of life
Birds – the symbol of fertility and resurrection
Moose – life force!

Slavic mythology of pysanka gives meaning to every detail of the process involved in it:
Colour red is associated with fire and blood – life, joy, hope, love
Colour yellow is associated with the moon, sun and the stars – harvest, abundance, warmth
Colour blue is associated with the sky, water and air element – health
Colour green is associated with Mother nature – resurrection, fertility, abundance, prosperity and generosity
Colour brown is associated with the earth element – the power of creation
Color white and black is associated with spirit – honoring the circle of life and death, honoring ancestors and their support from beyond the veil

A Single Step by Holly Ransom

Can you visualize how it feels to take a single step upon the ground?

A superluminal experience of fibrous muscles attached to juicy bones, encasing organs in a symphony of life’s–what many consider mundane–functions. All of this and the surface which holds me, in this moment: hardwood floor. From which tree or time I’m unfortunately uncertain.

Hardwood which is held by, once you go deeply enough, the earth itself. Layers and layers of seeds, stones, roots, worms, heat, carbon, nitrogen, digestion. Deeper still, a burning bubbling core. And all of me, coordinated in a dance through time and space, intricately connected to; in fact birthed from–in form and energy–this core. This womb.

I’ve pondered against many winter sunsets how the silhouette of a tree could be mistaken for a lung. The shape of water traveling. That’s how it feels to take a step.

When I breathe deep into the base of my own lungs, filling the space just below my belly button with air and intention, it quivers and is reluctant to release. There are knots of pain and tension there from giving too much of myself; from holding too tightly. I imagine that is how this planet feels when we push too hard. Under a blanket of stars I have felt her shudder. This womb, life itself, mistaken as something we can control.

Can you recognize her womb as your own?

Have you ever felt the entire fold of reality you stand within hug you?

Glancing into the clear sky to see 5 soaring hawks circling overhead, right at the moment you thank a deciduous forest glade for its love. This is how it feels to stand upon the earth, acknowledging that the earth honors its children in a constant myriad of occurrences.

I believe we are capable of holding the courage to place attention upon what there is of grace in the world-and to know that the same grace pulsates from within our specific existence. That getting angry at the darkness in the world is of little use to those who know that darkness rests within all. I know that until we can learn to accept the state of ourselves, we will be unable to cope with a world full of reflections. And that is what she is; a crystalline mirror. When we can face ourselves, recognize our patterns as her patterns, visualize how it feels to be nature, we will find that we already stand solidly in this glorious unfolding. We will understand that we were long ago consumed by her–at the moment she came into being.

Follow Holly @lilacfrogherbs on IG for reflections on reverence. 

GMA’s End of 2021 Gift :: Journey of Ancestral Soul Retrieval

This one hour JOURNEY of Ancestral Soul Retrieval is CoCreavatars GIFT to each of us within our FIELD of arisings!

Its intentions: 

  • to bring calm abiding to this field of humanity’s releases,
  • to offer the setting of the wilderness and rivers of all lifetimes, to offer a container of a circle of stones,
  • to bring us together in spiritual family as living ancestors,
  • to remember where we came from and what are mission truly is!

Gateways for Navigating the JOURNEY

We suggest that you cozy up within a blanket, upon the earth, in a space for sanctuary. 

Bring what your inner child calls for before you say YES!
Wisest not to do anything other than this JOURNEY.
No more doing nor checklists for achievements.
Time to rest and to digest
the gifts of our ANCESTORS, most compassionate ones.

We recommend that you JOURNAL the day afterwards
with what is now alive and now arising, with as much detail as possible!

This is your JOURNEY, your awakening to what was within.

Welcome to your CIRCLE OF STONES!

Colour it lively with fresh eyes seeing what has been buried!
Move within this tableau emerging.
Sing sound, dance rhythmically.
Gather your ancestral photos, names, symbols, gifts and place these on your sacred altar.

Map of the Journey

*The rose of Mary; entering the sacred heart of this Mother
*Rest and relax, remember and receive, heal and retrieve
*All is temporary like a snowflake transforming
*Note the importance: incarnation is a choice, location is important

The story of our GRANDMOTHER begins: where does yours begin?

*Rites of passages now named
*The REBEL RAY and its purpose
*Developing the capacity to imagine and to access empathy
*Travelling the women’s bloodlines yielding the Rebel Ray’s Declaration of self beyond parental and societal authority
*Appreciating the courage of leaving, the resilience and survival instincts of landing in the unknown!
*Who was HER goto?
*Giving thanks for these bloodlines, shamans, medicine women giving us perspectives, gifting us with possibilities of what we are capable of and how LOVE can assist us in these reclamation times

Settling into the drum-heart-beat of the Great Mother

*Story continued: the logging camp, women with men within forest wilderness
*Where did they land in your ancestral bloodline and what was it like for genders?
*Move forward as ancestor into the unknown with curiosity and strength
*Women apprenticing to experienced women, cooking for men in the village

*Everyone is an immigrant; name these, give thanks, reclaim qualities
*Note the dharma of feeding hungry men
*Note the perception of loggers, men, who simply used brawn as expression of erotic powers, to provide work and money with no awareness of living breathing tree beings
*Laws of karma and attraction: woman to man within wilderness and the Eros of earth at work
*results in the beginning of YOU! stars sun moon snowflakes and ancient rocks

Daily rituals remembered: what were your grandparents daily rituals?

*Imagine being at particular rites of passage, first sex, marriage, conception, labour, delivery of first baby in foreign land without parents without family!
*Develop compassion
*Midwifery: who were the wise ones within your Motherline?
*Serve as your own midwife and gift starlight of Venus and love to any trauma of those rites of passage now

*Desires to learn how ancestors were taught with home as school
*Explore ancestral and your capacities developing through childhood

*Grandfathers GRIEF: loss of wilderness; perception of need to provide money through industrialized work places funded by wartimes
*Grandmothers GRIEF: loss of rebelliousness as resignation of position takes hold

*What were their gotos?
*Where was kindness, who were those teachers of LOVE?

*Food and Victory gardens: mother’s childhood consciousness of food and more than enough
*Multiple tongues, traditions, seeds, crops, harvests shared
*Friendship in the gardens with faraway homelands respected
*Imagine what seeds were gifted, collected, exchanged
*Imagine these gardens and seasons and harvests and sharing generously

*STAR of Venus to heal all the wounds of forgetfulness and scarcity

*Remembering the circle of stones: intentions and attentions
*Sacred fire and Helpers: calling others to gather four seasons
*Entrance way: Maria left; Joseph right; fire is crystal clarity of innocence returned *Everyone has a function to keep the family together
*GRIEF: loss of circles, of ancestral stories, of traditions, of teachings

*Archetypal lenses gradually retrieved: warrior, healer, lover, beloved, sage and elder, servant of the whole yields expressions of leadership according to what is awakened within the bodhi!

*GRIEF: what is alive beneath that?
*Songs sounds starlight begins the movement so antlers up!
*Moon rising radiating equally upon all beings*reindeer realizations
*Invitation: stay all night with us

Indigeneity is intelligence architectured with native wisdom

*SHE MOON is accompanied by constellations in the vast skies
*Swallow all of this organ by organ, sense by sense, cell by cell, radiating all systems with radiance and stalight
*YOU are now a heavenly bodhi with light within all bloodlines of reindeer lineages, migratory in heaven and you can rest in this!

*Moon sets, sun rises! All is equally lit at night and into daytime, no exceptions!
*Suns intelligence of light is cause of our enlightenment

A GOLDEN REINDEER, ancient and new!

*Now we purposefully reweave the ancient tapestry with a knowing that the global fabric has been torn and is to be stretched upon the loom of time space so that all threads multicultural and coloured aged and young can cocreate


*The MA, earth, is wild-hearted, united, unifying using all of HER expressions, none better than, lesser than.
*Each is a single expression a human experience and all are of HER
*Thirteen moons come and go so that we can ascend spirit MOUNTAINS of which we are made!  Ascending we surrender surrender surrender to the above, to the below, to the deep within, to all around
*Now we surrender thanks to the Victory gardens, to the seeds, to the gifts of ancestors, to this incarnation

*Thanking the Mother line, the Father line, we return to our wild hearts and true natures, expanded, expansive, beyond the beyond
*The River of All Lifetimes has taken us to the flow swiftly now.

Are we aware of WHAT HAS BEEN MISSING?

*We are finally realizing that we are each of one great spiritual impulse of billions of years of her energies here to remember the circle of stones, the central fire, the gift of life itself.

We are the gift of our ancestors, we are called to acknowledge our source points and to give light and LOVE to all that is not of that !


For we ancestors have been singing for eons:

“We have come for you!”

An Old Legend Says…

(Story shared by one of our readers and CoCreavataric dream weavers)

Hello Gma Kariinaa,
Thank you for that session yesterday.

It was such an intense day. I felt anger that nothing is helping me feel better and I feel like I have healed everything there is to heal but this old pattern is dragging me into mud.

But a strong desire is being born in me.. to choose to be the one. The one as you said. I can choose every moment but in times like today, your and all my relation supportive hand is so helpful to remember..

I went to a great Yin Full Moon class last night. After we spoke I met a friend of mine who used to work for the same company. Now she works with First Nations in Truth and Reconciliation and helps to bridge knowledge of history of this land within this community. Was wonderful to know where the path has taken her. Then I was meeting a farmer on a Permaculture land that he is cultivating, teaching kids to connect with land and how to grow food and cultivate a healthy ecosystem. I connected with a loving, joyful, playful and so open red cat with golden eyes and a few chickens.

My heart was filled with love. It is indeed my mind that locks me into focusing on how I’m unseen.. when where it really matters, as you said, in my tribe, I am not only seen. I am it. I am part of it. And then.. I came across this story today…

“An Old Legend says:


According to an old Native American legend, one day there was a big fire in the forest.

All the animals fled in terror in all directions, because it was a very violent fire. Suddenly, the jaguar saw a hummingbird pass over his head, but in the opposite direction.

The hummingbird flew towards the fire!

Whatever happened, he wouldn’t stop. Moments later, the jaguar saw him pass again, this time in the same direction as the jaguar was walking. He could observe this coming and going, until he decided to ask the bird about it, because it seemed very bizarre behavior.

“What are you doing, hummingbird?” he asked. “I am going to the lake,” he answered, “I drink water with my beak and throw it on the fire to extinguish it.” The jaguar laughed. ‘Are you crazy? Do you really think that you can put out that big fire on your own with your very small beak?’ ‘No,’ said the hummingbird, ‘I know I can’t. But the forest is my home. It feeds me, it shelters me and my family. I am very grateful for that. And I help the forest grow by pollinating its flowers. I am part of her and the forest is part of me. I know I can’t put out the fire, but I must do my part.’

At that moment, the forest spirits, who listened to the hummingbird, were moved by the birdie and its devotion to the forest. And miraculously they sent a torrential downpour, which put an end to the great fire.

Native American Grandmothers occasionally tell this story to their grandchildren and conclude with…

“Do you want to attract miracles into your life? Do your part.”

Art: Christopher Noel