GMA’s message: Keep going no matter what

Beautiful Ones, I offer from this coastal mountain landscape where snow caps still cover the highest ridges.  It reminds me to lookup from whence cometh our help.
Shannon Falls tumbles down one of these mountain sides, reminding us, that natural ways descend to earth from the core of these mountains carrying waters with turbine strengths to regenerate!

Here, at the Mountain Base Camp, we cocreate time to reflect, to realize, to rest before moving onwards, carrying less and less both mentally, emotionally and physically.  The times of discernment this October full moon are once more within us arising.

The rain filled clouds for the past 8 of these ten days have hidden the fulling of this October Moon. Like many of us, we allow our gifts, our radiance to be hidden by the turmoil by the greyness of the souls rather than emerge fully.

Our current experiences in thus microcosm of the universe, called Squamish territory, edging upon the salt waters of the Howe Sound,  reveals to those of us emerging fully, opportunities to reveal unmasked our joyousness at meeting, at being alive, at living together in these portals of encounters , ancient agreements to serve as TEAM!

Like the hinting of the fulling moon, we hint at the beginnings of encounters, that we have gifts, that we have travelled wildly, that we are trained as sacred warriors and as healers with several modalities.  Each of us meet the intersecting of our individual circles with a hint, a suggestion, that there is something hidden within the mystery that we each of us are.

As successive waves of clouds dissolve, leaving rain upon our tents, upon the gravel roads, on sidewalks of our walks of life, we begin to emerge, safety guaranteed by the rainbow bridges crossing from heart to heart.  We prove vibrationally trustworthy and begin to show up fully in presence with each other as well as in service.

These are swift transitions yet micromovements of particles , turtle yet one with wings faster than the speed of light.  We have little time now to stop and estimate what direction.  The direction is revealed through vibration and frequencies of those we meet.  There is a distinction made instinctually that this is a moments miracle, that these moments will cocreate a service from a TEAM and that another is the one whose potential we were born to serve as examples of fully shining emerging light ones!

Our standards are embodied in how we walk, in how we approach one another with reverence and with recognition.  Our values are in the tonal qualities of our voices.  Our discernment is revealed in how and who we choose to realize as our clients, as advocates, as allies, as cocreators.

Each classification renders its gifts from US to those, from those to US and the space which we agree to occupy becomes sanctified, our roots of ancestors purified and loved. Less trauma within the somatic maps, less trauma in the earths body!  AHA!  we provide this in almost every encounter!  What a providing and very little overhead.  No front street offices, we walk to Zephyrs when in Squamish town, with thanks to the Squamish nation, and sit for lunch.

Engaging in conversations with pink and white unicorns bridging the time space with GMA and children, we recognize these star-seeded ones of the mountain culture and acknowledge the blessings of mothers and of fathers.  Eating becomes a fiesta within the mouths of US as we bless up every plate with ancestral prayers that our ancestors be fed with nourishment.  We drink with blessed waters filled by intentions of gratitude and pure love!  How can we possibly fail in our mission to serve this emergence of awakened humanity?

We are the success, we are the succession of ancient teachings and we are the ONES prayed for into being at these times of cloudy skies filled with much wanted rain.  There is perfection in these moments, these hours, these days and we give appreciation to enhance the biofield of this Sea to Sky corridor town and area!

Serving as a TEAM, we engage in challenging one another to stay with the fulling moon rather than judging the rainy grey clouds covering up our radiance.  We hold one another accountable for how we walk, talk, how we serve, how we show up with YES confrontation when we know the OTHER aspect of ourselves is leaning in too much, arising from fear or doubt, and overcontrolling! What a rendering of functionality as so much of our training intersects and we honour our teachers, these teachings, the ones who walked before us!  YES to life of TEAMS!

Yet we know when and where to retreat. To recalibrate at the Green Moustache with vegan raw foods served to US by our own angel, Michael.  In every way, he tends to our TEAM with more added values and love!

Or we gather and serve intensively at YOGALOVE in the great Meditation Room, small in size yet fully illuminated by the lineage of Parmahansas! Yahoo, what a joy to site beneath these ones portraits and feel their RAYS of illuminations wash away our forgetfullness.  Thus, the magnets within attract those who are ready to be magnetized, for they too shall serve the light with love!

As we serve, core wearth, core truths, core essences emerge from those we serve as well as those who come to serve and those who chose to design a space in which holiness can unfold!

Emergence in these cloudy days of confusion, scaredness, despair, helplessness, anger, frustation and rage, is a process that requires ALLIES, a TEAM, TEACHERS who walked before us and to whom we offer our gratitude wholeheartedly.  Emergence requires a knowingness when to retreat and with whom and with what!  Amongst the forested campsites of Alice Lake with sacred fires, or here at Base Camp, we need to regroup, reflect, remember:  Remember WHY YOU CAME HERE! (Peia’s song)

In these ways of serving ourselves, each other and those who come to US, all needs are met and it may seem miraculous, and yet it is the Sacred Law of Conscious CoCreation of mastery! We live in these spheres of mastery until the I and the Master are ONENESS! What an incredible time to be incarnated and embodied.

In the forests, the dead sitka spruce lay down horizontal to earths soils, covered with emerald green mosses, these ones have surrendered.  There is no trauma, no drama, no rescuing, no regretting.  There is this stillness of decomposition of dissolving the particles remaining beyond the  life force or lineage of the wood.  And there are spores and seedlings scattered amidst the rotting of the forms of trees that now have nurseries in which we humans can be aware of presencing, without judgements.

No clinging, no grasping, just letting go, surrendering to what was once a tall standing one with another purpose, the purpose has been dissolving quite a while when we arrive  The park is over a hundred acres of preservation of wild wisdom and over 45 years old in its tending.  Oh, would more families bring those starseeds here to see life and death and all that is between! What a teaching beyond texts here!

In the human experience of surrender, we have danced with resistance to feel and to grieve for loss of opportunity to say I LOVE YOU and appreciate your choices so so so much.  In this human triangulation of feminine and masculine principles and spirit, we forget that we are those divinely seeded from stars children and innocence lives within our landscapes.  We are called by each other to step into that divine blueprint of innocence and wonder, be curious, what more is possible, while still surrounded by decomposing old trees.
Oh would we but surrender to the trees !

Surrender is the movement of this October Moon, keep moving no matter what, leave the dying trees behind and trust this natural process of departicalizing, becoming generative soil, letting the forms of forms of forms dissolve, like the blood sweat tears bones bodies of our ancestors. Let them continue as their spirits arise.

We have found each other here in Squamish Territory, having travelled from many directions, destined to meet for these times on purpose.  To stand for the wisest of each other, to challenge when we hide, to confront when we deny what we truly are.  Surrendering means for each of us giving up a persona or personality or aspect within which we are comfortable and to push each other over the edge! 

What more is possible as we fly on wings of rainbow eagles to the visions of the higher ones? We have nothing to lose but our own limitations.
At our Sacred Fires within the edges of the park, we do ceremonies: firstly, breaking up the arrows of our intentions towards people and projects that are without integrity.  Then we burn them letting the space be refilled with possibilities.  We put into the fires of NOW, story lines, threads that weave us into lower or incomplete stories and vibrations.  Again, the space gifts us with more cocreative potentials! 

What more is possible?
The FULLING of the MOON broke through 4 nights ago and the last vestiges of summer warmth emanated from the SUN.  We released layers of blankets and emerged from tents joyous to be dry again.  Once more to set the Sacred Fire, and this time to put into the flames our daily intentions, our rampages of appreciations so that our daylight journeys were infused with this honesty and remembrance: appreciation feeds the seeds of that which is growing in the nursery of the hospice of sitka spruce!

Humans add, we enhance that biofield of nature when we attune without our traumas and that which we have allowed ourselves to blindly obey!  We, here in the forests at the basecamps of mountains, we listen to crows, to eagles, to ravens, we feel the chitter chatter of chipmunks with a joyous refolection!  Nature is our mothering time and refuge and YES to LIFE!

GMA remembered long ago , many moons beyond this one, camped upon the shores of the Great Ottawa River in Ontario Quebec, that she received the Gaian Proverbs, a set of sweet teachings rewritten by the eternal HER  Beatitudes that reminded each who listened that we came from HER and to HER we shall return. All genders return to HER and she welcomes us in her roots, in her crystalline core, in her matrix of essences.  Her treasures are waiting for those who surrender and remember, she LOVES us totally and has never forgotten, that we are her very young children.

In these times of polarization and duality, in the dissolving of the pyramids of victim, rescuer, persecutor, in these times of EMERGENCE, our TEAM has returned to the forests of life dying death space remembering reseeding and singing what is now new.
May these overlapping of circles and cycles lend themselves to you who remain unmasked, those of us who choose to confront, to challenge, to inquire: what more is possible?
For everything and everyone , there is a season and this is the Transition of cycles, spirals ending spirals beginning with in betweeness, space in which to just rest before the next wave arises.

Keep on moving, my be4loveds, walk within our spheres of living love, drink the blessed waters arriving from cores of mountains and say THANK YOU for all of our relations.
Walk with us, unmasked, inquiring: in curiosity: what more is possible?
May this MOTION MOON provoke a new dimensional realization, no short circuits, a thorough shifting from one reality into another with a PAUSE in the transition to rest before the deepest wave arises through our bodies.

Blessed be, embodied ones.  Blessed be.  Let us trust one another and continue to articulate the words that become the Rainbow Bridges heart to heart.
Long ago a wise one offered: Do only what is YOURS to do and nothing more, nothing less.
Serve the LOVE within the inner landscape and CARE for our own vessels and instruments. Then we may enjoy unimaginable results that are the EMERGENCE of new earth and US!
We are here NOW,  we are the ONES,  we are the WAITED for ONES!
Alleluia, darlings.  We meet again as TEAM!

For all relations