Grandmother 1:1s

These are the times to sit within a sacred tobacco circle and journey through lifetimes!
We are living within constricted circumstances which call for the courage
To break through to break down defenses to move into the unknown!

What would call your soul to a ONE TO ONE with an Elder of the Golden Reindeer Moon Lodge?
*anxiety keeping one from deep rest and deep sleep and thus lack of restorative experiences
*fear of responseability, fear of change, fear of decisionmaking, fear of cocreating, fear of the unknown
*tired of spinning in circles determined by outer authorities and science filled date, statistics, information
*deeply desiring love belongingness contentment satisfaction with one’s way of living
*profoundly feeling this higher calling to serve for a greater benefit for all relations
*missing the wilderness missing wild hearts missing a way that is conducive to a future earth

These ONE TO ONEs are an opportunity to step into a time space sacred and just for you!
No interruptions, leave your worries in the basket outside the door, no checklists
Or have tos or should and musts.

These are JOURNEYS OF LIFETIMES guided by an Elder of her reindeer lineage,
A mentor who has served the genius of youth for 4 decades,
Thousands of beings have experienced her calm, the grace she brings to
Chaotic moments, her fierceness for truths to be told, beyond stories about!

By deeply looking into the MIRRORS of our lives, we finally see the ancestors
Who breathe us life today. Ancestors whose genetic endowments,
Whose cultural upbringings shadow our greatest light!

AND these are the ONES who pray for your release and liberation
So that all relations can remember: what is our souls purpose on earth

*one hour and half plus 15 minute FEEDBACK debrief within 5 days afterwards
*requests: no sexual activities 48 hours prior, no marijuana nor alcohol 48 hours in advance,
*ask for our INTAKE before JULY 6, 2022 and complete and forward prior to your ONE TO ONE
*sign the WAIVER form prior to our JOURNEY
*agree to participate in SELF LOVE SELF CARE PLAN for at least 5 days

Post session (you will be gifted that template by my assistant When the INTAKE is fwded to us)

The more information you offer within the INTAKE inquiries
The purer the love will flow between your ancestors, you
And your soul and this Grandmother.

I am available for 5 week and 7 week sessions starting July 26 until September 30 2022 when the souls calling is for more depth and less pain!
More presence and less armouring. More spiritual discipline and less quagmiring!

*time space prior, during, afterwards for SELF LOVE SELF CARE SELF RESPECT practices and deep breathing
*$222usd for the session, cash only with gratitude
(work exchanges are welcomed as are herbal gifts NB no jewellery nor clothing, thanks)
Tobacco is a traditional giveaway for the presence of an Elder.
Organic spirit tobacco preferred with your ayni or reciprocity.

Ask for a thorough BIOGRAPHY
As well as for testimonials when your heart needs this assurance; and we can fwd 4 ezines via CoCreavatars with more details as to our services and collective members!

For now, prayers for global peace and rejuvenation,
Grandmother Kaariina Turquoise Heart
CoCreavatars Collective
Golden Reindeer Moon Lodge
Obsidian moon pipe
Tourmaline mothers of pearl
Om vajra rekhe ah hung