The Fourth Trimester

by Kimberly Ann Johnson

The features that are inherent to giving birth are contrary to what we are taught to believe is beautiful.

If we look outside ourselves to define beauty, most of us can’t win.

Indeed, almost everything is stacked against us inhabiting our full magnificence, whatever our shape or size is.

Therefore, it is a radical revolutionary, personal and political act to live in harmony with our female bodies.

The changing nature of a pregnant and post birth body is an invitation into a new or deepening relationship with loving kindness and impermanence.

When we go within, with curiosity, there is a ripening treasure trove of wisdom to be gained by accompanying the changes and learning to love ourselves just as we are.

The first step is to move away from comparing ourselves to how we used to be or how we want to be unsteady ourselves in the present moment.

Our body and its form is in continuous evolution throughout our lives.

It is just more noticeable and dramatic than ever, after giving birth. to approach this process, with patience, and kindness is to offer ourselves the possibility of delighting in the changes, however odd, unexpected and possibly even unwelcome.

Rather than simply bearing them. After the momentous event of carrying life and giving birth. The body takes time, almost universally as longer than we’d like it to be to reassemble itself into its new shape.

Comparing ourselves to actresses that are back to work three weeks postpartum, or to our friends who got back into their pre pregnancy jeans in two months only causes us to suffer. We are once again called to have long term vision and perspective, so that we are not tempted to abuse ourselves by crash dieting, or over exercising in an attempt to manage anxiety.

Calling All Earth Peaceful Warriors

by Soniko Waira

Leadership Meet and Greet for the
Visionary Arts and Magick Academy
December 3, 2021, at 11:11 am PST
Register here

Huyayay my beloved Spiritual Tribe of Rainbow Warrior! Today, I humbly stand in from of you to invite you to gather. The time we’ve all been preparing for is here-now!

This is a call to all visionary artists, teachers, healers, conscious entrepreneurs. To the way-showers channeling the frequencies of the new paradigm, to bring forward your vision for the future, and manifest the most beautiful world we know is possible. 

Why is so important for Visionary Tribal Leaders to come together?
After these couple of years of isolation, fear and separation we have come to a crossroads 
Because now more than ever, we are awakening to the realization that everything is interconnected. We all can see that when we interact from this consciousness, magical co-creation takes place.

We are re-writing the old stories and we need all of us if we are going to birth a new reality in our collective cosmovision.

In my dream, I see people of all colours for the rainbow coming together in one heart, one prayer giving birth to a Galactic Indigenous Consciousness that is inclusive to all beings on this Pachamama.

I know in my heart, I am not the only one who sees this dream. I carry a piece of a larger vision that is up to all of us to realize.

Join us December 3, 2021, at 11:11 am PST for a 2-hour “Meet and Greet” ZOOM call, to hear from you – your dreams, and also, to present to you the Visionary Arts and Magick Academy dedicated to promoting self-empowerment and collective development.

This is an online portal that has the main intention to bridge ancient shamanic wisdom with the modern world views, offering a platform for education, healing & integration and ultimately to empower our transformation.

The possibilities for co-creation are endless!

To join this call please visit our event’s page and reserve your spot.

I look forward to gathering with you,

Your heart, my heart, your heart!
All my relations

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Soniko Waira is a Musician, Artist, Visionary walking on the path of “the wise human”. Founder of the Heart Map Experience and the VisionaryTRiBE a visionary Academy for self-empowerment and collective development. He’s a seed carrier. His purpose in life is to contribute to the expansion of human consciousness; building bridges between the different worlds – connecting the ancient indigenous perspectives with the modern worldviews. Co-creating the galactic indigenous cosmovision of this new time with all his relations.

Standing on a Great Divide: Is Reunion Possible?

by Hilary Bowring

Here we stand on the great divide. Is reunion possible?

We are now in the dawn of the Age of Aquarius; remember the old song  lyrics “Harmony and understanding, sympathy and trust abounding, Aquarius, Aquarius “. Suggesting cosmological hope for this Age. 

As a hopeful person I search for ways to handle the divisions between us. In the past I’ve been on peaceful protest marches against government policies. Marching is still a great way to show solidarity for things we believe in, like freedom of choice, but too much anger can deepen the divide of public opinion.

Looking to Eastern tantric philosophy for new ideas.

Eastern philosophy purports that we are One Consciousness fractalized in diversity and

considers the human journey to be one from separation to reunion. So the exaggeration of the divide is potentially speeding up the journey, to both reunite and express our unique selves.

There are several phases on the journey to wholeness.

1. Birth —Ejected from the safety and coziness of the womb. We scream with protest at being thrust out on our own. The separation begins; yet paradoxically the gift of life is our individuation which requires singularity..

2. Coming of age. Opens with the turbulence of puberty the emotions that disturb and confuse us and then we expand into maturity. Learn how to live life as an adult with all its problems. Forced to fit into a society that relies on money as the means of survival and success. Forced to follow the status quo despite rebellious tendencies. (not everyone makes it through this phase) 

3. Often followed by Marriage.  Marriage generates excitement and optimism because it promises love and reunion. Solemnly partnering with another human being to satisfy our desire for intimate connection and unconditional love. However the level of intimacy we seek at a deep level is rarely found in even the greatest of marriages. The Eastern suggestion is to go within, and find the love we seek inside.

  1. “Now What?”  (Douglas R Brooks, Rajanaka yoga). If we get to this stage on the journey we are very blessed as most of our ancestors rarely got beyond handling survival before death and the ultimate reunion. Nowadays many people are lucky enough to be experiencing a phase of reflection about the meaning of life. This opportunity to see the wisdom gained from the difficulties and challenges on the journey may bring us closer to understanding our Oneness.

Spiritual Journey perspective:

The earth plane is set up in a binary model with the polarities of hot and cold, grief/ joy, love/ hate etc. Currently there is an exaggerated polarization of the rich and the poor and strongly polarizing views re the pandemic; Control and Vaccination in particular. These schisms can create deeper separation for humanity that power brokers can capitalize on. Paradoxically we need to become reunited in order to have our individual autonomy built and empowered.

Evolution to Unity Consciousness

  1. Becoming aware of the fact of the polarities. Awareness itself is alchemy. Start to reflect and see there is always the other side of the coin, there is always movement along the polarity. Feel one side feel the other—feel grief and then feel joy. Love and hate the same person.
  2. Seek Freedom from the emotional control of the polarities. Allow feelings to flow, rise and wane without taking action. The respond versus react idea. With practice we can break free of the endless emotional turbulence, avoiding violence and rejection of one another. Allow different views to coexist. Moving to Compassionate Neutrality.
  3. Reflection. Gain a new perspective.  Appreciate that our disagreements and wounds can expand our understanding and compassion. How some of the things we abhor in others we actually do ourselves, to varying degrees. Stop blaming and shaming those with whom we disagree. Don’t call someone a liar with hatred as we have all lied.  Or someone controlling when we control.
  4. Accept that there is a dark side, and learn how to handle it.

Most philosophies and religions and current epic books like ‘The Lord of the Rings’ and the Harry Potter series acknowledge the power of the dark side and offer ways to thwart its destructive aim. Some New Age ideas override the power, saying everything is Light which although true at ultimate source, avoids dealing with this dark energy inside and outside. ‘Spiritual by-passing’ is a term used to describe this avoidance of the dark side. Glossing over problems.

Eastern Philosophy View

Sri Vidya, a southern India Goddess tradition poses that through our own will power we have collectively created dark toxicity that cannot be digested and extinguished because it keeps evolving.

In another tradition the toxicity is held by Lord Siva in his throat, not swallowed, not expressed. The masculine approach of suppressing the darkest shadows in humanity. The unspeakable thoughts. However toxic energy can break through like a volcanic eruption of dangerous anger and wild rages. How to prevent this destructive possibility …..

Help from the Goddess, the Divine Feminine

Many cultures have been dominated by Masculine energy for at least 2 thousand years with distinctly aggressive ways of handling problems. Confrontation and debate chosen to handle disagreements, in worst cases wars have been waged. No-one wants more wars. Time to explore another way. Time to revive the powerful energy of Divine Feminine which advocates a more creative, nurturing way of supplicating our differences. In Sri Vidya the supreme Goddess, is Lalita Tripura Sundari, the Goddess of Enlightenment. Studying her Archetype can help us deal with our personal shadows and the demons in humanity at large in a non confrontational way 

Lalita Tripura Sundari.

Her name means the Beautiful, Playful Goddess of the 3 cities. She overseas the different states of consciousness, the physical, dream and deep sleep states.  She is the Archetype of powerful feminine creative energy, sovereign of herself. Beautiful, playful and fierce yet nurturing to all her children, she seeks evolutionary growth for all. She loves all aspects of being human. Her creativity is extraordinary and responsive to change. Capable of managing the toxic shadows and demons with counter intuitive playful methods. 

She understands the fractalization of Consciousness, how in truth  we are all part of One Consciousness thus we are all the characters in the play.

Managing Demons in Ourselves and in Society

Lalita manages the dark side with great cleverness and compassion. She engages with the enemy, befriends the enemy, rather than shaming and blaming. She acknowledges their power and creates structure to contain them in her world as we are all part of the same One. 

Being a force in our Enlightenment she knows education and conversation can inspire change. She opens up dialogue and creates activities to channel dark proclivities in ways that absorb the ego, avoiding real damage. Like Twitter, Social media, Dark internet movies and videos. 

She opens up rabbit holes that entertain yet contain.

We all have shadows, even poisonous streaks that remain shut down and avoided. We are here to evolve and be fully in our bodies including our shadows, this containment approach is something we can adopt too. Create space for our own demons in safety. Indulge our fantasies, in literature, edgy comics and cartoons, horror movies, Video games, The squid game, Sci-fi, TV shows, porn for some. And allow that in others. 

Liberation is to love ourselves and the beauty of our imperfection.

Being a force in our Enlightenment she knows the power of music and art both to allow expression of our shadows, our anger and evoke an experience of our Oneness. The moments of shared silence when we are truly touched as our individual stories and masks are dropped. Apparently Dolly Parton songs are reuniting the divisions in the US! Here in Canada, Leonard Cohen’s Alleluia draws people together.

Quantum ways we can transmute the dark side, change our own vibration:

  • Connect with the powerful Lalita Archetype using Mantra. Listen and chant the transformative syllables of her mantra. With chanting our vibration becomes the mantra, emanates outwards and creates shifts in Consciousness
  • Use energetic transmission in Meditation. Our hearts are powerful transmitters of energy. Here is a heart centred meditation ‘Blessings to the World’, transmitting Loving, Unification energy.   

Full Moon Eclipse in Taurus

Written by Elizabeth Jezorski / Art by Autumn Skye

The Full Moon Eclipse arrives today in Earth sign Taurus. Ruled by Venus, Taurus wants us to feel safe and secure within ourselves. Taurus shows us where we must rewrite the script of scarcity if we are to fully inhabit abundance. The light of the Sun in Scorpio illuminates the places where transformation must occur for this to happen. This Full Moon eclipse, on the builder/destroyer axis, is about tearing down the old foundations that can no longer support our expansion and connecting to the inner source from which the wellspring of abundance can flow.

The Moon in Taurus wants us to explore the roots of our emotional attachments. We must make conscious which attachments are supportive to our process and which ones are oppressive. 

Where does the need for security limit our growth and where does it provide opportunities?  

Places where we have been stuck, unable to grow or expand will, through the added tension of a square to Jupiter in Aquarius, be triggered. 

This Full Moon Eclipse opens the portal for Inanna’s descent to the underworld, that will last into March 2022. Inanna is Venus, she is the goddess of heaven and earth who must descend from her heavenly abode and into the underworld to reclaim her wholeness. She must, through the innocence and trust of her heart, allow herself to be stripped bare and be completely removed of her identifications to body and form so that she may know herself as sovereign, even beyond death.   

This winter will take us into the underworld where we will confront the inner patterns related to relationship, connection, power and boundaries. As Venus in retrograde descends through Pluto’s underworld and back, we will each have an opportunity to go deeper into our hearts and into authentic relationship than ever before. Somethings will be forever transformed during this decomposition process, but we must trust the way.  Remember, it is from the ashes that the Phoenix will rise again.

This cosmic rite of passage is an opportunity for initiation into the untapped potential of embodied wholeness and soul connection. The deeper you go and the more you surrender, the more free you will become.  

This is a call to return to self.

Allow the depth process of this winter’s eclipse season to transform your consciousness and reveal the truth abiding in the core of your soul. Make compost of the old ways of relating and allow yourself to root down into the soft vessel of your body, letting your mind become still and receptive, and feeling, sensing, listening patiently until the heart reveals itself.

You are loved. ❤️

Scorpio New Moon

By Elizabeth Jezorski

Sometimes change and growth blow in like a soft breeze that gently cools and eases the inflamed heart. This is not one of those times. Today’s New Moon, arriving in Scorpio with a tight opposition to Uranus is here to shake and ignite the very ground upon which we have built the foundations of our lives. Uranus in Taurus, a long term aspect stretching into 2026 is here to make sweeping changes to the ways we collectively relate to our most essential resources: our money, our planet, and our bodies.

Uranus seeks progress through innovation and is not afraid to break a few boxes to make it happen. For change to come, sometimes we have to get very, very uncomfortable. Uranus’s aspect to the New Moon is here to destabilize and deconstruct the psychic patterns that keep us rooted in destructive behaviors. It is here to disrupt the status quo of our creative and sexual energies so that we can better wield the full power of these energies with consciousness and, ultimately, with love.

It’s a bit like that moment Hades sprung from the ground and pulled the maiden Persephone into her underworld initiation. How are you channeling and expressing your psychic energy? In what ways are you still denying the full expression of your desire and truth? What areas of your life are ready to be renewed? This Scorpio New Moon is ultimately an opportunity for healing. As the solar light of awareness joins with and illuminates the lunar core of our essential being, we are given an opportunity to look within and make conscious those shadow fragments (both our fears and desires), that disempower and distort our lives. The process can be intimidating. We must allow ourselves to connect with the parts of ourselves that we have long avoided. Terror, anger, shame, guilt are but a few of the potential demons we may need to face. Keep in mind, they only appear demonic because they are so rejected. When we befriended them through loving presence, they will join our quest and become allies. Ultimately this is a death process.

Once we turn and face the unknown within, we can never fully go back to who and what we once were. You can’t unsee truth. That old self needs to be relinquished on the altar of your higher self, if you are to truly be free. As we navigate this process, it is necessary to practice acceptance especially for the parts of ourselves that may be quite tender or vulnerable. Let yourself feel it all, and notice where you are caught in self judgment. If you find yourself reacting from a place of woundedness or ego, see if you can allow yourself to sink a little more deeply into your heart.The heart yearns to be free to love and be loved. It is ready to be released from the prison of lies and illusions that hold it back. Today’s New Moon catalyzes this process of setting the soul free. The more resistance you create, the more suffering you will endure. Radical honesty is the best practice to ensure you break the chains, even if at first the sting feels deadly. Rest assured, the poison is quite fatal. But rebirth is the eventual outcome.I leave you with the words of Lord Krishna, spoken to Arjuna on the battlefield of the great Kurukshetra war: Slay therefore with the sword of wisdom, the doubt born of ignorance that lies in thy heart. Be one in truth, in yoga, and arise great warrior! Arise!

🌟Message me to schedule a reading! Openings for next week and beyond!

Image via Stef Tastan IllustrationsSending love to all! ❤️❤️❤️

Motherhood – Initiations

By Megan Youngmee

Parenting with awareness, kindness and grace in a rapidly changing world is a challenge that we have decided to take on in this lifetime. Yes, the earth is going through a transition that we know on some level we chose to be here for. It’s quite a doozy, eh? It’s the hardest role we could take on which is why self-love, self forgiveness, grace and earnestness through the process is so important to me.  Recognizing the bravery in this choice is to be honored. 

Many of us feel this call to shift how we parent from ways we were taught, to a new but actually old manner that is connected to the earth, our community and our inner voice and from a place of intuition and nurturing. What and incredible feat and opportunity it is to shift our previous traumas, hurts and lack of emotionally healthy examples of a mother/father figures! Especially in a deeply out of balance world that we inherited. Slowly and step-by-step with a greater vision of what can be, is how I see the process of initiation to be the mother we want to be. 

Thank you for taking on this great transformation.  I’ll be writing and sharing some practical tools I’ve learned along the way through this series about parenting, but first I’d like to introduce myself and share some of my intentions and overviews about how I see my role as a mama.  

I’m a mom of three little boys – 6, 4 and 2 in the Andes of Peru, not far from Machu Picchu. I’m also an adoptee, from Korea, raised as a small town gal from Pennsylvania who spent a 12 year stint in Los Angeles as a former corporate design and communications professional. I am now a writer, momma, content creator and intuitive body work/trauma transformation specialist for the last 8 years. 

In all honesty, as a person who had 3 mothers before I was 3 as an orphan, a foster child and an adoptee who was sexually abused for over a decade in my home- the idea of family and motherhood were and still can be the most triggering concepts and responsibilities I can think of. So I feel very humbled and many times unequipped to share any advice. I keep learning and discovering things that work for me and my family and am grateful to have a space to share, but please, take everything with a grain of salt. Take it or leave it, as I’m no perfect mom. Know that your own intuition and connection to spirit will be your greatest guide. 

I pray that I fall in love more deeply with my kids, my partner, myself and life every day. I hope that I can cherish the present moments with my darlings, my little ones, my sweetie boys. They aren’t mine in an ownership sense though. I see myself as caretaker and guardian. They teach me, I teach them. We are all learning together. 

I have some things that have become some of my foundational values and intentions for the role of being mom that are in progress as I learn in the next part of the series.

Megan Youngmee

Bio: A momma of three little boys – 6, 4 and 2 in the Andes of Peru, not far from Machu Picchu.  A Korean American adoptee, raised as a small town gal from Pennsylvania who spent a 12 year stint in Los Angeles as a former corporate design and communications professional. Now a writer, momma, content creator and intuitive body work/trauma transformation specialist for the last 8 years. 

Socials and Content Links.

Ending Denials – A Poem by GMA Kaariina

Inspired by David Whyte’s Road to Santiago

There once was a place a tender space in the heart of a being
that was open to love conditional

And then there was an openning in that tender space in the heart of a being
that became open to love unconditional

A miracle of flowering, petals unfolding,
a nidra of a practice to just accept
and that was an openning to love as being

There was once a place a tender space in the heart of a being
that became one with love as simply being
and that was the flowering, petals unfolding,
a nidra practice of just accept
and that was a garden of lovingness

There was once a deep space a tender place in the heart of a being
that was one with love simply being
that was a flowering petals unfolding
that was a practice of nidra accepting
that was a gardener tending
that lovingness of it just is

There once was a deep and tender place a space of lovingness
that just is acceptance
that has no allegiance
that has no loyalty external
that is committed to tending
that lovingness that just is
that sets the lover free to be fully unfolding
that more love is possible to be

There once was a deep tender space of forgiving
that was a signal of lovingness
that is a signature that what once was
that is past is now even more
that compassion arises from that eternal time
that love and joy and freedom is the space
that love being now occupies
that full expansion of truth
that love and compassion and joy
that freedom to fully explore the seasons of ones unfolding
that is true love accepting what more is possible to be

So today I offer these trails these signatures of whales
these dances of the dolphins
these flowering of my essences
these crystals to the core of beingness in form
to your hearts knowing that true love is accepting
that which is now more possible

Today I gift you these lines these spiritual times
and this tender heart space a prayer
that each of US may return to the garden of innocence
and truth of love that seeks no resolution
no apology nor passport is necessary
simply nidra of mind heart body and soul
a practice of pure loving acceptance
that what is now is what we wanted
to be possible then
and now is
what we wanted long ago to be possible
is now what is
we wanted what is now long long ago
and now it is

So go down that pathway knowing
fully that prayers have been answered
that actions are now taken
that love is now awakening
that truth is now fulfilling
that prophecy was now fully awakened
that we are the ONES who agree
that acceptance is what is now called for
that loving acceptance is now spoken by
that nidra of mind heart body and soul

What we wanted so long ago is now here
we decided we chose so very long ago
that this is the time space for our flowering
so no other time space is called for
may we occupy this with full hearted acceptance
that we decided we chose this for now
that we tended beneath the currents of seas flowing
that we waited beneath moons so far beyond us
that we accepted that seasons would bring us
to what it is that we are bequeathing our souls now

So with loving acceptance and kindness
with compassion and joy for this freedom
we die from our pretences and say
let it be the way it is now let it be
for what is now was decided and chosen so very long ago

For all of our poetic relations,
welcome to the pathway the road that is now

May this now satisfy all yearnings that once were
so that contentment may fill the womb groin
time space of Great Mother
holding all in compassion and wisdom

In loving grace peace and equanimity

Grandmother Kaariina of the Turquoise Heart
Partnering deep within parentting deep within
Knowing deep within
This great perfection

Living Life As A Ceremony

By Naomi Love

I am writing this note to you under the light of the full moon on the equinox. As I activate the energy of who the Dark mother is, I am sitting in a blanket of darkness illuminated by the moon.

The Dark Mother is the void, the great unknown, the primordial mother, the womb of creation, it is where life begins and ends.

It is aligned with the season of winter, the dark moon, and the bleeding season of menstruation. 

Life will ask you to surrender into the void and you can do so from a place of power rather than from a place of fear. 

In order to surrender into the embrace of the Dark Mother, you need Trustwhich gives you the capacity to let go.

In order to trust you need to activate the energetic signature of Faith. Faith and Fear can’t live in the same place at the same time. 

Faith is a felt sense, it is a greater knowing that you are of a loving universe. That you are an integral part of creation… It is something that you welcome when you are in a state of forgetting, of feeling alone or forgotten. 

It is an energetic signature that when activated helps your body to soften, it helps the cortisol levels to drop and inspires connection to the heart.

Faith is also an offering up, it is letting go of control, surrendering into the unknown.

We often fear what we don’t know or don’t understand. AND what if… instead you remembered the possibilities that are inside of the unknown.

What if you couldn’t imagine the magic that the universe has in store for you.. and what if… in order to align with those possibilities you needed to let go and soften in your body… letting the tension melt… and what if the Dark Mother was there to greet you…

The Raven came to me many years ago as a representative of the Dark Mother. When I take leaps into the unknown, I imagine I am being held by her wings and being carried through the void with love into the magic and possibilities that await. 

Next time you are faced with the unknown, welcome the Dark Mother in and see how that supports your ability to soften and surrender into her embrace. 

Listen to the meditation below to support your remembrance home to your true essence as this is the first step towards activating this energy. 

I would recommend doing this meditation for a few days in a row and if possible try it for 21 days.

The old outdated way of thinking and being takes time to unravel.

Repetition is key to creating new neural pathways towards remembering who you truly are. 

Vocal Empowerment as Soul Sovereignty

By Jenny Joy Lee

Art by Krystleyez

This year it has become crystal clear the power of language and voice and influence to literally shape the world around us. And as we are wording into reality the textures and dimensions of our lives and experiences, I am hearing a silent cry from the wounded and traumatized voices of the collective, that have not yet learned the sacred art of liberated truth expression and embodied self expression. There is so much silencing, cancelling, misinformation, triggers and tongue tied luminaries, that I have been guided by Mystery to step into my role as sister, as facilitator, as muse-ician, as catalyst for expression, and guide beloveds into their truth and out of fear. Beyond external censorship, there is an old story and deep pattern of internal censorship that has been influencing full truth endowment for too long, as as we rise together with bravery and sound and mature ownership for the responsibility to be in right relationship with yourself, we then develop even deeper tools to heal all of our relations, and that is the call I am hearing from the world now more than ever. 

There are many voices in the greater collective echo chamber that are incredibly “power-full” and it is crucial that the dreamers and weavers and luminary leaders and mystics and earth lovers and soul speakers are sharing their voices into this prophetic pond more than ever before AND – for all those who do not yet consider their voice as something holds value, now is the moments to dismantle self shame and amnesia of the potency of your precious lived experience and wisdom and the most magnificent gold that could ever be shared to the beloved kin, within your own selves and the greater commUNITY. 

May this work serve as a safe space to be held accountable, to be guided into the underground and overarching places that have seemed lost or hidden, and then bring the sharpened tools of awareness and sound to release all that is ready to go, to empty the body instrument to be an empty begging bowl for Spirit to fill with wisdom and wildness.

There will be JOY, there will be GRIEF, and below it all, there will be TRUTH. And the truth that can be named is not the truth… this, is what we are learning how to make space for. 

Jenny Joy Lee
Mentor and Facilitator of Vocal Empowerment for Peace 
Ceremonial LMT at The Sacred Wholeness 
Musician at Jenny Jahlee
Social Media – @the_sacred_wholeness 

Full Moon in Aries Astrology: Own your Mission

by Elizabeth Jezorski

We all have an inner badass willing to step up and fight. A mighty warrior ready to lift their weapon and claim their right to life. A hero prepared to spring into action, seize the moment and save the day. We all have a cause, a quest, a victory to claim as our own. We all have a grail that pulls us out of our comfort zones and into the mucky waters and whirlpools of life’s formidable ocean.

With the Full Moon in Aries, it’s time to own your mission.

The Sun in Libra is peaceful, accommodating and harmonious; always seeking the common ground necessary to maintain collective equilibrium. In Libra, the Sun identifies with others and the environment. It seeks beauty, connection and justice.

The Moon in Aries, on the other hand, is charged, restless and ready to move. It quivers with excitement, like a loaded mouse trap, ready to snap and jump whenever triggered. It’s home in its impulses and follows them wherever they lead, for better or worse. The Aries Moon seeks to express every nuance of its own subjective reality unapologetically.

Where Libra is refined, Aries is raw. Where Libra is indecisive, Aries demands an answer. Libra energy asks, Aries energy commands. Both have a time and place, but working together is another issue.

The dynamic between these two signs requires that we learn to navigate the relational space between self and other, between subjectivity and objectivity.

At this Full Moon, Mars is in conjunction with the Sun in Libra. In this position Mars desires peace and reconciliation. Yet, it’s untamed and provocative energy is neither peaceful nor reconciliatory. Although Mars may intend to play nice and get along, it’s nature is competitive and dominating. One part of us desires connection and belonging, another desires autonomy and expression. The tension of this Full Moon lies in navigating the paradox of these two competing drives and desires.

How can you remain empowered while still empowering those whom you may find difficult, ignorant or even threatening?

Remember, empowerment is not the same thing as power over others. Empowerment comes from a place of love, authenticity and creativity. Power over others is only sought when there is fear and thus a need to control, bully or silence the other.

The tension of this Full Moon is intensified by a challenging square from Pluto in Capricorn to both the Sun and Moon. Power struggles and ugly secrets may come out into the open, laid bare and wide for all to see. Something must be exposed. The wound must be lacerated if the infection is to heal, but the process can be painful.

We each have a choice to make at this Full Moon. It’s as simple as knowing what side you are on. Rather, it’s as simple as knowing who you are. Of course, in the world of human feeling and social relationships, that is rarely a simple question.

Somehow, instead of fighting, we must look for the bridge that connects.

When the dueling and dualistic parts of ourselves can finally accept each one as it is with curiosity and humor, instead of disdain and fear, when we can learn to give and take, when we open our hearts and realize that there are no others, then we may finally take steps toward peace.

It’s absolutely necessary to own your truth. The hero must make his quest and hold to it unwaveringly, no matter how scary the wilderness becomes. This is a time to hold your ground and claim your personal power, not give it up for the illusion of safety. Yet, this must be done in such a way that a space of autonomy and love is created for those supposed others who may appear as enemies or threats to your mission.

You are the one you’ve been waiting for. Now is the time to step up and let the full force of your radiance shine forth as a beacon and a guide in the nighttime. Shine your light but don’t force others to bask in it. Simply make it available for those who are ready to see the truth.

You are loved and you are ready for this passage. Now is not the time for doubt. It is the time for truth. ❤️❤️❤️