GMA’s Message for Peruvian Tobacco Moon in Virgo:: February 2021

My wild context remains wild, living on the edge of arboreal forests, trails for the North Vancouver Island, British Columbia cougar. Winters frosts still come to land on our Japanese Cherry tree, crusting our lawns. My well composted, organic garden plot becomes stiff and yet beneath that frozen surface remains alive micro organisms working to regenerate the soil with nutrients. These are the antidotes, all of this and more, to the fear mongering of those still suffering from wounded and thus wounding ancestral motherlines!

AND incomes the dance of two starseeded and crystal children, 4 years ancient, 5 plus years ancient, who chose from the divine realms to reincarnate within family lines so that we would all gather and meet once more! Puuurfect for these times of transition, their reunionating is splendiferously fueled by curiousity by innocence and by our mutual and unconditional LOVE! These , too, are the medicines for the earth’s biofield for we, as surrounding and beholding adults, honour these coming together times of golden haired blue eyed children and emanate our delight for all of our relations!

As they embrace, the elder more tentatively because her parental negative images pervade our shared space just for a while, the younger more ancient one, fed with whole organic food and a father’s presencing, offers the ONE BIG EMBRACE with all lovingness!

Hmmming, while globally, billions of adults grieve losses of what once was and had been taken for granted, these and millions of well fed and loved children prepare to become cooperative change agents for LOVE! Adults with our own inner childhood wounds driving physical vehicles penetrate family ecologies with uncooked resentments, unfelt grief, and yet, these star children have chosen to re enter the earth’s atmosphere!

Thank the Goddess Divine Mother and Cosmic Source, that these ancient ones have come back! Ancient orders are reactivated, latent potentials within parents are being remembered, and slowly, a few amidst hundreds of thousands, a few parents choose FAMILY as a focus!

These are the innocencia, the new earth viewers showing up with internal kaleidoscopes, shifting according to the winds of change flowing through the atmosphere around GAIA. These are the ones who see cruelty, know violence, have even survived genocide, yet, when the HEART of LOVE is fully engaged, behold struggling parents with compassion and then , when LOVE is unreciprocated, seek the higher ground of grandparents, of Elders, of the Medicine Tribes. THESE ones resonate a way to move out of brutality and inhumaneness, and remember recognizing the ONES who prayed them here for these times of transition.

Thankfully, they are strong in the core energetics of being, gracefully, they are conceived and raised within these wild forests, on the edge of oceans or great lakes, at the base of mountains. CHILDREN of this GOLDEN AGE are aligned to the natural resources and harmonize with the whales, dolphins, amongst bear clans, sensing and speaking and whispering to the insect nations. THEY CAME WITH THESE KEYS ready to have gateways opened and they need US to give up our narcissism, to surrender our childishness, to cocreate new earth AGREEMENTS.

As I journey as a Spirit Grandmother, woman of many antlers, amidst indigenous wisdom keepers, holders of medicine ceremonies, guardians and stewards of lands wealth, my prayers and vision questings reveal that I and other Elders met these young ones in the Galactic Councils of higher dimensions. We met there with specific agreements that we would meet in the now once and future timeline. We met there knowing that our responsibility was to honour our ancestral lineages and dance with the dead. We met within Councils in order to procreate a genetic infrastructure that would be fleshed and expressed by the RETURN OF THE INNOCENT ONES. Ken Carey called it: The Return of the Bird Tribes.

Deya Dova and Hamilton as well, celebrate and recalibrate earth songlines within geological power places with sound and celestial music in order to empower these families’ growing awareness’s of what truly is the meaning and purpose of partnership and parenting! (CHECK out Deya Dova and her songlines!)

What is the GRIEF held within the core wounding belief systems of so many adults and older ones? Could it be the loss of ethics, the missing of the cocreative principles by which our lived experiences are generated? Is it possible that millions of adults are confronted in these times of endings, challenged to question: what truly has been the lived purpose of 30 to 40 to 50 years and beyond?

Betrayal , projected on the other within partnerings and parentings is truly a solo vision quest to a desert, high on plateaus amongst mountains, deep within forests, arboreal or tropical. Guided by and mentored within ceremonial containers, smoked with holy smoke of tobacco, sweated prior to the descent into meaning and purpose, these RITES OF PASSAGE provide internal enlightened insights time and space to arise. Rather than being fearful of death, these THRESHOLDS are met with rituals, within the contexts of the wilderness, YES, as well as within the continuum of ceremonies! Thus, sayeth the prophets of our lineages of mystery schools.

Whether it be a vipassana, a sitting for 10 days or more, a vision quest, a series of spirit of medicine plant ceremonies in which there is the ingestion of plant spirits, DEATH is the great archangel and teacher when BETRAYAL, when resentment, when perception of loss raises its cobra like head.

These are times of great opportunity to become self informed, to assimilate the wisest most discerned of knowledge, danced into wisdom within the bodhi dharma. These are the times when cooperativitas is rebirthed, ending cycles of male domination societal rules regulations competition rooted in scarcity and less than. These are the times of transition back and deeply anchored in the ocean consciousness of tidal times, moon cycles, and sacred bloodlines laid once more upon this earth. By women bleeding returning blood moonthly to the roots of family trees, sistars become coherent once again, bleeding together. Older women in perimenopause and holding the moon stages become the safe and sage go to’s as points of reference and skillful ways and means emerge once again. From beneath the frosty crusts of frozen earth, slowly requiring prana or life force, arises WOMBMYN!

YES, there surely is an urgency to these times upon this biofield called Gaia or Earth. That has been cocreated consciously or not, a PANdemic, a fear of the GREEN GOD of GAIA! Within men who have already ended lone wolfing and addictive patterns , conditioned within dysfunctional families, surrender to the womb lodges, surrender to the symphonies of women’s bloodlines, another particular GENE KEY opens gateways of possibilities.

What do these possibilities require? Partnerships with conscious agreements for the ages and stages wheel upon which each walks to be brought to the light of the vision quest as well as to the daily practice and meditation of intent. Amongst the 6 billion two leggeds upon this earth bodhi at this time, how many are truly conscientious? How many retreated within the sanghas, within ecovillages, within the dharma centres, within the ancient accords (for eg. the Kogi of Columbia) of maintained lineages of teachings, unbroken chains of divine instructions?

How many gave up societal and familial conditions and definitions of success, materially and monetarily driven militarily defined and policed, in order to rise again to the heavens and the Galactical Council’s accords?

We, my beloveds, are a rare breed of bird and we are beginning to gather, both on line within the zooming cultures, inside of the on line emerging universities of ancient and future paradigms, and recognizing the merit of cooperation, the strengthening of coming together as ONE GREAT SPIRIT!!

So the trees in jungles, the vines, the spirits of medicine plants on the forest floors, procreated by the erotic impulses of GAIA herself, begin to sing through two leggeds bodies as instruments of what is wanting to emerge. The Icarus, the songs of the Bwiti, the medicine songs of the peyote culture, and more align the biofield to a sounding environment that attunes those: who have the discernment to listen , the wisdom to truly hear, the joy of seeing what is calling us, and the love of our children and our future unfolding!

What a time to return to The Mother as our Medicine! To celebrate these ending of times for the ways of the Grief Wheel. To enter into conscious agreements as sacred partners, not forever, rather for service as agents of change guided by the love of children and grandchildren, held by the prayers of our lineages.

Stand and breathe into this sacred space. Just receive this: for hundreds of thousands of years, for hundreds of generations of our species, there have been those who evolved a prayerfulness and included past present, future and all of our relations. The great lie of separation from source, the great denial that we are as one great global community, this addiction to core wounding belief that we are alone, is ending right here, right now.

JUST BREATHE those knowings and wisdom mantras in and digest each syllable, each sound, each within your own mother tongues! Experience this NOW agreement. We are of the ONENESS. We are arising together. We meet the ONE with all of our relations. And it is light, it is love, it is truth, there is more than enough of the stuff of great spirit!

So why then the belief in loss, or the perception of betrayal, or the grief of not enoughness, or the perception of scarcity and its oppositional, acquisitions and mergers and hoarding, ignoring the oneness of all of our relations?

Because we are yet to recognize those, like US, who carry the torches in broad daylight igniting a passion for commitments:
*to self love, self care, self respect
*to other, love other, care other, respect
*to the Sanghas and spiritual disciplines and practices that fuel such passion and feed these deep long term commitments
*to service as advocates for nonviolence and the ending of sexual abuse
*to honour ourselves as the bravehearted ones who called it for what it truly is: violence, inhumanity to humanity, loss of compassion, the perpetration of bullying yielding genocide, physical or cultural.

These golden haired children with sky blue eyes have dreamt each other into such agreements. Their great spirits chose our genetic bloodlines, our geological and geophysical locations. They came in through star formations amongst planetary alignments and come as prophecies.

The children are seeing us not trusting ourselves, undisciplined, behaving from the untoward uninvestigated sense of betrayal and THESE are the ones dreaming from above to the below, a return to sangha, to dharma, to spiritual refuges, to sanctuaries, to relationships where there is wisdom and eldership and ceremonies as Goto’s.

At TAMERA, south Portugal, this living experiment of healing biotropes has unfolded for over 20 years, with 140 plus souls living upon 330 acres, now upholding four generations of thoughts, processes, core beliefs, functioning skillfully within the HELIOTROPE of acceptance!

Acceptance that one is that one dreamt here from the Galactic Core Council, that children are our truth and future purposes, that the elementals will guide the ways of correct views and uses of natural resources, ONCE the human, the partnering, the familial hearts have healed!

Look, there goes you and I, we and thou, for all relations.

There are more and more constellations of ethical practices, locations of unconditionality, geologies of challenging ways so that way of PEACEFUL WARRIORS can unfold, developing ecologies for the new earths crystal children. SEE Damunhur, Pachamama, Earth Haven , Findhorn, Perelandra, and more.

These Living Experiments of Cooperativitas as avataric adventures requiring nothing but our everything! They are the healing grounds for the karmic residue of genocides in Rwanda, for the massacres in Germany, for the millions of lives of Tibetans sacrificed to the Chinese military expansion. On smaller scales, these are teaching and learning sites for those scholar warriors, for artist healers, for the crafting of new instruments and vehicles for cocreative ecological activism, feeding the roots within the communities beyond these sacred sites!

What happens when we return to INNOCENCE? The starkness of a landscape devastated by coal mining, the sheer insanity of ginormous dam sites on the Columbia River, the pure rage of racial hatred and the genetic predisposition to ignoring the clues that one is addicted, codependent, and controlling within the partnership, the family, the societal employment field, all is triggered WITHOUT enough waiver forms or agreements.

So, in these times of transition, from fear based and fear driven families and institutions funding victim paradigms or penal systems without truth or access to restorative justice circles and real life skill trainings, we need CoCreavatars as our accountability allies. We truly need to invite extended families with functional tool kits and medicine bundles, at least ONE such sacred sanctuary with blessed waters and earth teachings per community or village, so that the TRAININGS can be offered.

In this full mooning time, we enter into two more cycles before the old earth paradigms of the underbelly of the beasts overpowering our children is completely closed off, when these gateways are shut down and we enter a time requiring resiliency preparedness resourcefulness and agreements.

CHECK into Barbara Colorosso’s Children are Worth It!
Raffi’s work for a childcentred culture.
Cooperative Games trainings.
The Colab
The Intention Experiment
The Noble Adventure with the Rosenthals
Ocean and John Robbins: The Food Revolution
The Course in Miracles
UNITY teachings
Thomas Huebl’s Empathic Circle trainings
Compassionate Listening Circle trainings
The 20 Count: Way of Council
Family Constellation: Bert Hellinger
Theosophy: Steiner’s vision for education, biodynamics
Fierce Medicine: Anna Forrest yoga teacher training
The Heart Coherence Project

ADD to our list of resources, projects, initiatives and let US know how we can continue to intervene in societal violence, and become the divine ONES we have been praying for! No more waiting! This is THE TIME for us to be the tipping point for children, for climate change, for this planetary purpose within this universe. We are building the space ships now for our own future to unfold!

Dedicated to radical acceptance, trust, to living unmasked, unashamed, fearlessly aware of what is unfolding THE INVITATION: live in the wonder of our own innocence and rise to the call together! We all belong within the sphere of the ONE!

Stay curious, not furious!

GMA Kaariina of the Turquoise Heart
Golden Reindeer Moon Lodge
Obsidian Moon Pipe
Karuna Reiki Mastery
om vajra rekhe ah hung