Grandmother’s Message for the Cosmic Turtle Moon

From Quadra Island and the territory of the Wei Wai Kai peoples, a small Gulf Island, one of several Discovery Islands between the mainland of British Columbia and Vancouver Island, an island that like other locations represents  microcosm of this island called Earth.

The land spirits are very strong here and I am reminded of precious Kristin Campbell’s invocation prior to every yoga class: SUFFERING IS OPTIONAL!

We are at the turning of all times on earth in this part of the universe.  We are both in this universe and within this turning of times just as we are within this COSMIKA TORTUGA!  When we have bellies to this earth where nature is still wildly talkative through winds and the whispering of branches moving in breezes, we hear differently than we do in the lineups at LIFE LABS waiting for blood tests.

We listen to what is magnetically at the very core of our beings and like those magnets attract what it is that is arising , activted, alive or wake within us.  It is not necessarily TRUTH universal, it is more likely an anarchical memory thawing in the heat of these JULY times.  Unless we are in the Southern Hemisphere and experiencing the winter of more coolness.

Either Hemipshere, like those of the human brain, contains programming or patterns that we have neuronally been running as habituated thoughts and they along with the cells, glands and orgtans of these human costumed bodies, also revel patterns such as urges to seek comfort in foods, impulses to gamble rather than to sit within the roots of these urges.  These patterns at roots of beings, unveil strategies for survival: fighting, flighting, freezing, fainting….. All are both hereditary as well as consequences of environmental nurturing or not

Still suffering is optional.  Some of the greatest teachings have emerged from within the cocoon of times like these.  The earth and the ancient rocks have born witness to what the evolutionary capacity of humankind has been.  Petroglyphs upon cave walls, remembrances of first fires, berries as paints and fingers and hands as instruments mark clearly the passageways we as two-leggeds have moved through.  We have within these DNA codings, within these genetic keys, access to capacities that surely now on earth are crucial and necessary to be expressed.

In order to express these capacities, just as foetus within the womb, we need an umbilicus, a cord to the outer maternal contexts, human, or earthwise, to feed us information, pulses of nutrients, colours of emotions, the breathe of HER thoughts and agareements.  We receive and need feedback for this universe, this earth is interactive and interdependent!

These turning times are times for the DEATH of core wounds inherited, fed back from within these wombings, these cocoonings, of beliefs such as: I cannot ask for help, I am all alone, I cannot trust anyone, I will die so what is the use, IT IS ALL TOUR FAULT that I am suffering.  These are corollaries to core beliefs such as:

what is the point so I might as well die (slowly or swiftly), I give up, there is no where to go to be safe from….

Letting these core wounds die in the Sacred Fires of our campsites, in the holy bowls of our sage and sandalwood, writing them out to express them rather than let them contine to impress us and to feedback these to othersn only continues the global suicide or murderous rage.

In this DEATH gate, we find the arguments that prevent us from sharing our gifts.  We meet the MIRRORS of those who projected into our shared spaces, exactly those core wounding beliefs of the lugubrious I, small or wizened with ages, we see only into life as though looking deeply into a MIRROR or our own perceptions.

Aldous Huxley offered to humanity post WW2, Doors of Perception: Heaven or Hell.  Are we not at such a DOORWAY as one humankind body or brain of the Mother, this Earth?

YES, I hear the calls, I listen to the silent screams when I leave my Quadra Island campsite and refuge, and it is tempting to join with those who ECHO that which was patterned so long ago, etched in the archeological digs of the bones of our ancestors, including caves and skulls.

It is tempting to complain, to blame, to judge, to grieve without realizing that these a CYCLES and this one will end for all is impermanent and what once was is now over.  Another sacred truth; what we resist persists.

A forgetfullness of the MIRRORLIKE reality of this universe continues to stream suffering out into the atmosphere through internet, telecommunications, and between humans in  lineups for blood tests.

It can and does stop with just ONE being who knows the difference, one who challenges the currents manmade, not of oceans ebbs and tides.  IT DOES stop with YOU and with Me and within US!

Such is our capacity to step up from the morass of global geneocides, personal and familial suicides, and GRIEVE together for what once was is truly now over.  TORTUGA medicine is to offer THIRTEEN prayer ties to the top of the spirit tipi and pray for forgiveness that we have forgotten our interconnectedness, our mutual responseability, and our ability to apoplogize. TURTLE says to offer up to the heavens, TWENTY TWO reasons for celebrating life on earth right now.  And let those be taken by the smoke of peace pipes into the atmosphere , stronger than the negation of opportunities!

All influences and we are each source capable of rippling out into the universal sea of consciousness itself a new song, a soul womb remembrance, mantras with new calibrations honouring the ancient OM.

We are being called by forces greater than our own inner core impulses, we are being called to GATHER, sharing our resouces, feeding those choosing hell realms, honouring the messages of those hungry ghosts by compassionately listening rather than feeding them junk food that continues the slow suicide.

It is a NARRATIVE, a story telling time around the campfires of life.  A time to gather and to share that we care for one another, that there is wisdom in listening to our adults and our olders and to respect our elders.  It is a once upon this very time on earth time and we , with our earth whisperers, our tree huggers, with our spirit of medicine plant peoples, those who sing the icaros and dance the mabwiti, together, we shift the very core of this human life on earth.  

That is not so long, folks, relative to earth, pachamama, lady gaia’s lifetime of geomorphological evolution.

Perhaps hundreds of thousands of two legged times called years, and billions of times of earth wise livings and changings called years.

So as we sense and know when to emerge from the Cosmika Turtle time, to the safety and more importantly to the calling of LOVE all around us, know that DEATH watches over us like an archangel, honouring all of our struggles, all of our sufferings, all of our stories of scarcity and not enoughness.  DEATh witnesses the crimes of centuries of ignoring our togetherness with earths elementals and all of HER stages and ages and chuckles.


So on this Cosmic Turtle time , rhythms and rhymes, songs and sounds, dances and circles, as this full moon emerges to reflect as a MIRROR , what we are each thinking, saying,d oing, sharing in our gatherings, loving in our relationships, let us say THANK YOU for what these turning over on our back times are revealing to us.


With all of my heart from the lands of Wai Wei Kai, and Quadra Island, British Columbia and its mountainous coastal beauty,  we are one love one truth one earth one breathe one tribe and one mind with our Mother Pachamama!

2 Replies to “Grandmother’s Message for the Cosmic Turtle Moon”

  1. Hello Grandmother, dear Amma.

    It is a blessing to see your laughing Self, if only re-membered by your photo here. These cycles within cycles, such fierce casting aside of the veils , calling forth great courage. Thank you for reminding us of our ancients, and our presents, and our presence, and our tomorrows, as One. Only as this One, will the next spiral take its rite full evolutionary leap. It is Her spiral, as our leap, all for Love, only One.

    No time, no time but this.

  2. Thanks for remembering the we who are in the winter cooling and again going inward to reflect and transform. Celebrating all the lessons and abundance that is here in Costa Rica where I’ve been gifted one month longer stay before I catch the end of Mediterranean summer abroad.

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