Full Moon in Scorpio Astrology

by Elizabeth Jezorski

The Scorpio Full Moon eclipse is here, bringing with it a powerful culmination and internal shift of consciousness. The changes we have been experiencing inwardly, both individually and collectively, are reaching a new threshold. We are tired of games, tired of false realities, tired of maintaining facades. We are tired of bandaid solutions to deeply rooted issues and tired of fighting the same battles in endless exhausting circles. 

With expansive Jupiter now in fire sign Aries, we can expect more action and movement on the near horizon. Change is coming and soon it will feel like the breeze of change has become a hurricane. Now, with Mercury in Retrograde, this eclipse feels like the final call to tie up loose ends and batten the proverbial hatches before we are catapulted into a new reality. 

The arrival of the Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse asks us to align with what is Real. Being Real requires being vulnerable. It means that we choose to be exposed, to the elements and to others, rather than hide away within ourselves. It means we forsake comfort for the sake of honesty and integrity. 

Scorpions are known for their poisonous and painful sting. One quick jab can be fatal and leave irreversible damage. Like a Scorpion sting, the truth can be just as deadly. No lie or false reality can withstand its presence. The work is not to protect the lie however, but rather to withstand the truth. This can be quite difficult for those parts of our egos that are fragile or codependent. 

With a square to Saturn, this Full Moon brings some cold hard truths to light. Secrets may be revealed and some devastating blows may come to our poorly built towers. Saturn asks us to face the bare knuckled truth of the new paradigm we are facing and that we are creating. We may experience challenges to authority figures or to the super ego voice within ourselves. We may have to deal with boundaries and barriers that feel oppressive and limiting. Patriarchal influences may feel overbearing.

This pressure from Saturn is all about testing your commitment to the world you are creating. Is your foundation truly ready to support you? Is this really what you want? Are you willing to take full ownership? There is no turning back once you cross this threshold. 

It is a reminder that death (death is ruled by Scorpio) is the ultimate authority. Death comes to us in many small and large ways throughout life – as the letting go of relationships, the releasing of habits and comfort zones, the shift from one chapter of life to another. Many of these deaths are welcome and desired; some, obviously, are not. 

At this Full Moon, something significant is being touched by the transformational hand of death. The resistance to this necessary shift will be palpable. Death is not an enemy however, she is a powerful ally meant to set us free. 

There is a karmic influence at this Full Moon, both through Saturn’s influence and the influence of the north (conjunct the Sun) and south (conjunct the Moon) nodes. The inner work we have done to become more truthful and authentic human beings will begin to align with and balance our outer realities. Saturn gives what is earned and this is a cosmic checkpoint. Karma is coming home, one way or another. 

Don’t rush through the energies of this Full Moon. Sit with whatever comes up. Listen to your body and to what lies within your heart.  Meet resistance with curiosity rather than defensiveness. Be patient with your response and your words. Time is, ironically, on your side at the moment, even though it may feel otherwise. This is an opportune moment to pause and gather energy as we prepare for the great leap of faith across paradigms.