GMA’s message for Blue Moon in Cancer:: December 2020

From this north Vancouver Island territory, home of displaced indigenous tribes, home of immigrants, home of travellers, home to four leggeds, creature teachers of the great northwest waters and skies, I offer your HEART deep earth love!

This Blue Moon calls us to celebrate the opportunity to recalibrate our visions, values, our priorities!  She offers us the way of the deep feminine, to steward our resources all natural, to honor why we are all here on earth together!

The northwest winds blew mightily on this night, screeching their ways into this GMA suite. Calling those of us who are storm watchers, wind listeners, to go outside! The power outage came on the heels of the winds dancers! Those of us who listened , went out of doors, breathing deeply. A small number of us went in vehicles to the oceans shorelines. By foot, by bicycles, by trucks, by cars, we went to view these waters rising, riding up and crashing downwards, forces that smoothed millions of years aged rocks!

Waters that thrashed the logs on the shores taking them out on the currents. Roots of standing ones with sands eroded reveal the vulnerability in the face of rising waters, of tidal currents that take what they are meant to! Perhaps someday it will be our contemporary homes, mortgaged and taxed.

Earthen rocks of ancient memories are washed, millions of years are washed. Yet are our memories washed?  Here, wind horses dance fiercely, neighing profoundly, informing those of us who are here on the shorelines, that we too must dance fiercely and listen deeply!
Folks like us are wild hearted ones. We are the thunderous ones.  We are the lightning holders. We listen and yet who else listens?

We nod, acknowledge each other as we leave our vehicles.  We recognize that we come together. We fly like those seagulls imagining what more is possible.  Our minds and brains are cleansed by those winds, by the crashing thrashing sounds of the northwesterly winds and oceans waters.  All movies manmade are cleared out and stand before a cosmology that is greater than anything any studio can create.

Emptying, clearing, standing, whistling, seldom do we hold hands.  We walk down to the ancient rocks, we stand on the receding waters edge, moon rising as sun sets.  Children with long boards, accompanied by parents seem to trust that this is significant.  Adults render themselves open and innocence returns with the winds with the rising and falling away of white crested crashing waves.  Something so primordial stands here within us as we let go of what we thought was of importance!  Wind horses ride now within our own souls, our great spirits made now into one wild great spirit! We are the neighing, we are the tidal risings and fallings away! We are the emerging radiance of the rising Blue Moon, we are the setting of this final sunset for is not every sunset a final one for millions?

Seagulls squawk and dive and cast beaks into the waves revealing our own capacities lying so dormant until we rise here together!  Nostrils now breathing into this cosmology.  Mouths openly breathing into the incoming and outgoing reminding us that all is incoming, all is outgoing.  Two legged standing have to become fluid more flexible as these winds ride up not just to our feet rather through us, as we become transparent!  For is there not space between every particle?

We each and all become the curren’sea, we become that which we are now longer identified with, no longer human, no longer creationing, no longer thinking, no longer wondering, just just just being wildly breathed and wind horsing!

What an alliance, what an elemental dance of such divine orders, what a conjunction point, what a conference without zooming, without skyping, without emfing, without technology, without contaminations of news of fears of scarcity of love and life itself!

This is a MEDICINE TIME, a zero point, a culmination of releases of diseases, of stories of displacements, letting go of stories of immigratory pathways, what brings us to shores like these! For here, the elementals wildly tend to our passions tend to our breathe tend to our movements tend to our ONENESS of great spiritual forces that cocreate a condition or state of being that is transparency that is vulnerability that is spaciousness within which particles reconfigure!

Silently, we humans are living a continuum as storm watchers, as wind horse dancers, and listeners for the messages of the fulling MOON: this one is the cold moon, the thirteenth BLUE MOON. It holds the ceremony for women convening gathering around medicines to share as equals, directions called elementals honored with humour and humility all are cared for in this village gathering.  All ages and stages of women are held on this WHEEL with acknowledgement of our GRIEF that we had forgotten our sistarhood for so so so long. Such GRIEF!

And yet, we are beginning to discreate core wounding beliefs that keep women separate, comparison competition being the roots of our own disturbances and our diseases. As women come to BLUE MOON circles and receive each others medicines, as we imbibe the knowing that this ancient WHEEL has been held for generations cross culturally, we begin to emerge with our innocence, with our curiosity rather than our judgements!

This EMERGENCE of a naturally wild hearted woman is the recalibration of this calendar, this way of keeping track of womb times, this way of honouring each stage with a rite of passage yielding women who sit on the lands on the mountainsat the edges of lakes and oceans listening listening listening listening.

We are now the ones saving clothes for each other.  We are the ones sharing our resources. We are the ones honouring our Elders.  We are the ones circling and gathering and dancing and singing as women return to the VILLAGES! We are the ones now architecting the huts, the pueblos, the homes.  We are the ones remembering how women live together safely without the charges without the tensions of when will the men the invaders the predators will arrive!  Imagine as seagulls provide for us examples: imagine women flying like gulls over waves of changes through winds of changes and being the changes! Imagine US in the Blue Moon tribal reunions and villages, now reconceiving of how life on earth can actually be lived with this land based wisdom ways!

There is no exclusion here in this Blue Moon template: we dream and pray with visions of weaving all beings into the star constellations in the sky mind! We hold ourselves and our brothers, sons, husbands, fathers, grandfathers, uncles, nephews, cousins as our children, our grandchildren!  Thus we hold all in love.

In this unconditionality, men move through the passageways of guilt fear doubt shame and awaken from ignorances of the SOURCE: The MOTHER, the birth mother, the earth mother, the cosmic mother!

Ending this cycle of 2020, this Blue Moon ceremony holds us all responsible for grieving what has passed over, for giving love to the woundings to erase those images and those perceptions, to giving thanks for such opportunities and thus ending gender conflict!  What more thus, is possible? 

May 2021 be about the WOMBMYN, about the correct view of our sexuality, about the clarity of our purpose on earth together.  In these transition times, there is retreat, like cancer the crab, like turtles, like what others call lockdowns.
May we harvest the best of human capacities finetuned during these Thirteen Months.
May we continue to compost what is no longer replenishing, refreshing, rejuvenating, remembering our WEness!

May we reach out and trust one another, maskless, shamelessly ending these external authorities declaring that we must SOCIALLY ISOLATE! Let us reclaim our social natures, our wild hearts, let us be the windhorses and breathe nakedly into the HEART of mother earth and into the hearts of those we have hurt with our judgements.
Let us end separation and the lies that are of forgetfulness.
Have fierce faith in the natural and wild laws of all that is of ancient ways!
Returning to the Cosmic Egg!

For all of our relations. We are the ones we have been waiting for to world bridge into the forests into the plant worlds into the crystal realms into the creature teachers
We are all from the ONENESS. Returning what is needed for the sake of the future! Giving away giving away giving away. Receiving receiving receiving. Equalizing equalizing

Grandmother Kaariina of the Turquoise Heart