Erotic Innocence – by Marlee Liss

When I first started walking the path of sensual reclamation, I was worried I was going to LOSE MY INNOCENCE 🥀 ⠀

I felt so connected to my yogi, meditator, social work student, Do-gooder identity….⠀

and I was worried that dedicating my life to sacred sexuality would put me on the sinners list😳😳😳⠀

Whether we’re consciously aware of it or not, so many of us carry this idea that sexuality polarizes innocence. ⠀

🛑 We fear that too much erotic expression will have society deeming us ‘too much’. Our conditioning tells us that we have to choose EITHER our sensual desire or are PURE HEART.⠀

And the result for many is sexual suppression, which IN ALL HONESTY leads to EITHER: Violence or Shame.⠀

⚡️So we think we’re protecting the world by shutting our sensual fullness down, but at the end of the day we’re just perpetuating these distorted sexuality cycles…… ⠀

WHICH IS the fuel behind objectification, rape culture, porn addiction, performative living, appearance anxiety, and a generally sexually traumatized culture⚡️⠀

🌹🌹🌹THIS IS WHY our reclamation plays such a huge role in shifting these systems!!!!!⠀

When we bring our senses fully online, when we honour our wants & free them from the shadows…. ⠀

WE FREE OUR CULTURE from being run by this ancient suppression😍⠀

💥We break chains of patriarchal shame and secrecy⠀

💥We activate the beings around us in claiming their own sensual empowerment⠀

💥We wake people out of states of dissociation & CALL them IN to fully embodied presence⠀

💥We remember sexual energy as the very life force that WE, OURSELVES (ALL HUMANS), are created from.⠀

💥We anchor this knowing on the planet, that our sexuality IS and HAS ALWAYS been completely divine and deeply innocent.⠀

The ripples of this healing are HUGE🌊⠀

By walking this path of healing myself, I was able to change the justice system🌎⠀

Letting love guide me down a path of fierce heart-led Leadership🙏⠀

🌹Imagine what the world would look like if every woman claimed this sensual empowerment for herself?🌹⠀

Ps. I’m so excited to share these wins with you because more than ever, I’m reminder of what’s possible when we break silence & reclaim this embodied empowerment!!!

This week I’ve been confirmed to share my story of restorative justice for sexual violence at Fordham School of Law (where Donald Trump graduated from), University of Toronto, & on an elite panel for the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence! YES to heart-led voices informing federal policy. All this while I birth a membership for ALL women living this reclamation : The Sensual Queendom. Birthed from a vision & dream! Thank you for reading and for walking this path. We are with you & we love you 💚

Please feel very free to connect with me & to join my FB group for reclaiming sacred sensuality:

Bio: I’m Marlee – Sacred Sensuality Coach & Restorative Justice Advocate. I am a coach, retreat facilitator, public speaker & author.Some sacred identities I hold: Lover, Dancer, Jewish, Queer, Creatress, Sagittarius.
Through my coaching work, I have helped women all over the world to reclaim their self-love, sensual empowerment. My work has been featured in Forbes, Huff Post, Buzzfeed, Mel Robbins Show & more.
I made history in the justice system when my sexual assault case became the 1st in North America to conclude with restorative justice. This means that I fought for my assailant to go to therapy & we eventually met in an 8-hour circle proceeding to criminal trial.
My background and training: social work, yoga, somatic sex education, dance, facilitation with & training with Grandmother Kaariina, Tantra, women’s coach certification, work with the National Eating Disorder Info Centre. Learn more at