“Thunder and Lightning to Break the Matrix”

By Kaariina Saarinen, Turquoise Heart
Interviewed by Hayley Shannon & Miku Lenentine
Edited by Miku Lenentine 

These are the times of the prophecies.  In many indigenous cultures that have maintained sovereignty and their root teachings are anchored, there exists Councils of Elders without borders, who see beyond what is arising now.  There are beings in these Councils who see TIMELINES in which a narrative unfolds because there are a majority who believe in injustice, in victimization, rather than cocreation and the Sacred Laws.

Where the Elders are respected within villages when women are held as midwives and sacred holders of the future of those cultures, prophecies have been told, as though a greater mastery can see in the crystal ball of humanity’s future, or through the bones and see what narrative is being played out.  In other indigenous tribes, the coca leaves are put down and read.

It seems to be a time of revelations from oracular readings of newly experienced tarot cards, to ancient systems of understanding the options of this particular ethical and elemental crisis. In the Columbian Kogi teachings, women are sacred and earth is a sacred site held within women’s bodies. I was given a Hopi ring to hold yesterday, that looked like a Vagina.

The holder of this precious ring noted that she had held it for quite a while.  It was from Hopi Land, Arizona and the Four Corners.  She said it was gifted to her and she had kept it in the original ring box. And I feel like that is synonymous with what this time is all about. This time is about the worth of a women’s vagina. This is about the return to the Goddess. It is a time for the cosmic sistarhood to emerge with self-respect, with acceptance of the responsibilities for Thirteen Moons of Teachings, the calendar of the divine YIN or Feminine.

Like my friend, we have kept these precious rings of personal power in original BOXES (voice boxes), for far too long.  We have not returned to the original lands from which Turquoise and Coral arises.  We have forgotten and remain stunted in our cocreative growth and development.

“This time is about the worth of a women’s vagina.
This is about the return to the Goddess.
It is a time for the cosmic sistarhood to emerge with self-respect…”

The Hopi Prophecy speaks of this time as a River of All Lifetimes, when we are to be conscientious about our choices and jump into that FLOWING River with awareness, that we are moving through, and it is moving through, lifetimes.  These are not personal emotions, beliefs, thoughts, sensations, experiences.  These are from our Ancestral Lifetimes!

We are called NOT to take these personally, rather to cook these seeds of stars, dance and move the blooming of these expressions of Creator, and release the Ancestral traumas! Song, dance, movement, sounds, shaking the medicines until the overlayer of trauma is done!

In this Hopi Prophecy, we say that the River is moving swiftly now, that the time of Lone Wolves is over.  Time to gather with tribe and do the work of surrender into HER together. She is moving swiftly and taking us all to HER mouth so that we speak from and for HER as HER instrument.  From these waters, we shall emerge together, birthed anew, well aware that there are larger waters, great lakes, seas, oceans that we shall now enter together and yet singularly strong in our willingness to surrender to ebbs and tides, to lunar cycles of the divine Feminine!

Our calendars have changed from solar powered, church invigorated to the Goddess of alchemical blood times and great mysteries.  This is not a passive time to despair nor a time to be aggressive and protest.  It is a time of great solutions of collective cocreativity!

This is not the time of Me Too. This movement rose up. Women needed to speak and have a podium to speak of the sexual abuse, the loss of safety within homes and in neighborhoods. It is a crime to silence women and not let this disrespect of the Goddess, of the future culture holders, be told with the brotherhood being held responsible.

 Restorative justice circles, Witnesses of violence, compassionate communications trainings, all are vital to a reconstitutionalization of humanity in a significantly REHUMANIZING way.

Through the lenses of prophecy, we can listen to Don Cirillo, Wandering Wolf of the Guatemalan Mayan Highlands offering consistently: these are the times of Mas Grande Purificado!  We are detoxiftying our minds, hearts, bodies and souls to enliven a new purpose for incarnation on earth!

YES, Black Lives Matter, All Lives Matter, and specifically, Black Women’s Lives Matter. Out of the Vagina of Women, out of that V, have come men like George Floyd,  men like Martin Luther King Jr.,  Harry Belafonte and Sidney Poitier. MEN who broke through the racial barriers into a white man’s world view!  MEN who had dreams and spoke eloquently of the need for people to have visions! These are times of Mas Grande Purificado, and what we as humans choose to focus on, we become!

The Sacred Laws of honouring and respecting THE MOTHER, loving and appreciating the midwifery of a new earth paradigm on Pachamama right here and now, is culling a huge portion of humanity from the greater tribe.  Those who have been compromised, those who have been hurt and remain in those sets of circumstances because not ENOUGH of US have stepped up to the unified FIELD of our own awareness and cleared our own karmic debts.  ON behalf of all of our Ancestors.

‘YES, Black Lives Matter, All Lives Matter, and specifically,
Black Women’s Lives Matter!’ 

 My precious warrior goddess daughter mated with a Jamaican brother of the Maroon lineage, and birthed two young men both integrating her tall blonde blue-eyed heritage as well as his dark eyes, hair and strength.  My Bundle and these prophecies are the commitment I carry so that these young men are the true Rainbow warriors that was foretold long ago!  I do this inner work and outer expression, this cocreative effort to alchemize our lineages womb wounds so that they and our blue-eyed blonde-haired granddaughter can KNOW that we are doing something to end these violences and divisivenesses!

So my return to the way of council is really about circling up. It is about bringing small and large groups back to remembering that the Prophesy says the Rainbow Warriors would gather again. We are all colors cultures and creeds. We are holding our unique culture in our healing hands. Not from the Mind and the mouth. From the brain that has been impressed by the trauma of women who have been abused and conceived women out of abuse. But out of the hearts of humanity. Where humanity can unify through the body of one woman, the EARTH herself, Pachamama.  These incredible unifying times resurrect the culture of wisdom in Women for us to complete our own rites of passage to return fully and holistically back to all of this universe as WOMBS for the future of humanity and our true wild nature. These ways of council, these circle ways are here not just for youth, but also for people who call themselves senior citizens. These ones are the Elders in the making, requiring youth to listen to the stories, their heartfelt experiences, to grieve with them, for they are all of US!
We are recovering and reclaiming the deep part of our being as rebellious. We find that to be radical yields this fierce willingness to say to those still bound by fear and funded by that obedience: why do you believe that? Is that really the truth? Why have you given your power away to an external authority called God, looking like a father, for generations and generations and generations? Why have you maintained the iconography of a crucified son, black, brown, yellow or white and fail to realize the impact of such imaging?  We have crucified our sons,  in so many ways as women and mothers have been identifying as a Lady of Good Sorrows. A woman of great grief, a woman without her own rudder down in that swiftly flowing River of all Lifetimes.

We are no longer identifying with external authority. Putting away childish things and beliefs, including dissolving our adolescent need for idols, we detach from immature and rather blind obedience and emerge without shoulds, musts, have tos, and fear of punishment,

 The identification of functions for our youth and for seniors is absolutely crucial. We are in need of changing our identity. Put on another perspective, another set of lenses through which to view that which exists in the MIRROR of our lives.

Identity is a choice point for humanity.  To identify as an Elder, as a wisdom keeper, as a storyteller, as a keeper of the pipe of peace determines my stance and how I walk on earth.  The times of victim are over.  These are the moments of cocreactivity according to Sacred Laws! All is born of woman and woman is sacred.

“I chose to be a Lady of the Mountains, a Lady of the Lakes,
a Lady of the Canoe and paddle my own canoe.”

I chose to be a Lady of the Mountains, a Lady of the Lakes, a Lady of the Canoe and paddle my own canoe. Thirteen sistars pilgrimaged on boats on Lake Titicaca in Bolivia in 2014, women who moved from the Isla de La Sol to the Isla de La Luna.  Those young women and older women came to offer the Despacho  invited by Juan Gabriel and Maestra Martina in order  to clear up the identity that we have taken on.

These Rites of Passage, these rituals are designed by Ancestral Cultures to release and to dissolve that which we have surreptitiously taken on as identity. It is not the core, it is not the authenticity of who we are. It is not the value that we need to give to ourselves or to our Mother Lineages, our sistars, our daughters, our granddaughters and beyond.

The atmospheric and societal context of planet earth  is going through huge contractions. It is going through a karmic dispensation for our Ancestors, our Elders, our Medicine Tribes have dispensed this karma to you, to your genealogy, to your family tree because you are going to end these cycles. You are going to break the curses. You are going to break these silences of shame and guilt and end the lies of separation from  our wild nature , our true selves and our purpose on planet earth.

We could have reincarnated on Saturn and the 9 moons, we could have gone out there and stayed on Uranus, or Mars or Venus, we could have stayed on Chiron or stayed in another constellation, but WE CHOSE to come to planet earth for this time THROUGH OUR MOTHERs WOMBS as instruments for this gifting!

 So in the teaching of prophecy , we say you are the ones. You are the ones! You chose to do this work at this time. There is nothing else you need to do but break apart the matrix that says you are identified by an external authority, whether it is white, black, brown, yellow, red and beyond.. This external authority is going down. These matrices are dissolving.

Like a spider’s web, if we push strongly enough together, against the web, we are no longer caught like little flies. We can break this warp and weft we have unconsciously and consciously woven for we are the weavers and the woven ones. Through the Internet, this worldwide web, we are actually in confrontation right now. We are confronting the authorities about what can be allowed on the Internet. These authorities were young people once, who had a very idealistic and possibly quite a naïve stance about the future, but who succumbed to the temptation of money, that symbolizes for a short time longer, personal power and recognition that was missing in families.  The RIVER OF ALL LIFETIMES is flowing swiftly now. Time to be vigilant about our choices and with whom do we weave with what purpose.                                                     

Within this TIMELINE JUMPING we could call re-identification, we emerge as agent provocateurs. We provoke conversation that counts. We are direct and pierce through the illusion and delusion mirrored in our relationships that we are separate from our true nature. The Real People in Australian Indigenous Cultures have been maintaining this  as The Crystal Dreamtime for Eons, and Eons, and Eons. It is a CALLING for the return to these ancient ways. The beyond that. I am not sure how long it will take, but I know it has begun. I know it began before I was born in 1948. I know it was held by teachers in secret until TIMES LIKE THESE!


“Like a spider’s web, if we push strongly enough together, against the web,
we are no longer caught like little flies. We can break this warp and weft we have unconsciously and consciously woven for we are the weavers and the woven ones.” 

Once upon a time in my life, I met a Grandfather, Michael Stern, who has since passed over. He was one of the twelve who carried the White Buffalo Pipe. He developed a curriculum  for Indigenous children to come into the school system with their own way of learning in Manitoba!  He was brilliant in translating what the world needed from these gifted children and bridging that language of pictographs and sacred sounds for all beings to benefit!  We need to appreciate that the human brain is plastic or flexible in its nature, that for our Ancient Ones, it is used according to location, place, weather, climate, seasons and the wilderness.  The indigenous brain doesn’t work in the ways of English as a system of languaging the wild four leggeds, or the winged and finned ones. If we go to the Inuit in Northern Canada and ask what is the word for Love,  there area100 words for love. What is the word for snow? 150 words for snow given location and weather.

The English language is a limitation and thus, those humans who only know English as the vehicle for expressing lived experiences live limited experiences and from that context, judge others!

 To sit in the vast presencing of Strathcona Mountains, to swim in the rising and falling of the waves of the Pacific Ocean, to ride the surf on just one simple board, to climb the cliffs with grappling hooks and toehoelds that seem impossible to attain, humanity is  wild  and called to return to HER, this Pachamama and her forests, everglades, her jungles and her creature teachers.  SHE, after our birth mothers, is our Greater Mother, and even Greater is the Cosmic Mother of this universe.

 The prophecies say that these are the times we have been waiting for and that we are the ONES! In such expansions, we can see know and hold the earth as a pebble on the shores of the sands of universal time.  We can re imagine Pachamama as a small turquois bubble with pure water sustaining all life upon HER. By entering fully in this age and stage of Grande Purificado, we are called to mature as HOLDERS OF THE VISION that feeds the souls of humanity and rewilds its heart!  By shifting our focus and setting a new course with our own paddles on these seas of change, we can be fierce in the faith of our efforts that we will reach LOVE and serve enlightened ways to the future: for seven generations to come.

These young ones are watching us, absorbing what we are focusing on and what our priorities are!  Their curriculum for attainment is divined by how we live these prophetic times.  We are IT and we can navigate this with our heart compasses TOGETHER!

I am so glad that we have this time together. May you laugh, may you sing, may you sound, may you dance. May you remember the Spirit is free within you. May it move you. May you know that you are the air, the fire, the water, the earth itself, and that you are space. Hold space. Occupy it fully. Give your gifts. Be the genius you are meant to be. The gene of the eye of all of us. And say your prayers daily and become that prayer and intention and inspire others!

We are all working with the Spirit.

For All of Our Relations