Messages from Anam Caras: what we are committed to in these Great Turning Times

By Karen Lynn Gordon

Dearest Gma,

Greetings to you from the Samanea Nature Sanctuary and Farm, where the rainy season moved in a few days ago and everything is lush-ing out! All shades of green everywhere, birds signing, monkeys swinging, bare feet squishing, hens clucking, and rivers singing. Oh how I loved reading your biography and delighting both in the DO-ings of your life but also the BE-ing.

I am finding that I am deep in sabbatical land.  After I guided a full-moon fast for Milagros and myself in April, I made a a HUGE severance 2 weeks later on the new moon –  I closed Revive Healing Arts. It was huge, an enormous leap of faith. Plus, 10 years of my professional life and  identity created to hold that container – put to rest. I declared to myself and my community that I would be offline and rejuvenating for the next 2-3 months on my farm, hands and feet in the dirt. Now that the rains have come – trees will soon start being planted here, too! 

So, I find that I am only near my computer once every week or two to catch up because my days are currently filled with farm and nature sanctuary chores, and homeschooling Chris. All of my energy is in one place – my ometeyotl – and I am relishing not being pulled in a variety of directions, across landscapes. Everything I desire and what my life loves is right here – my home, my land, Chris, my stream, my animals (Sally + 2 kittens + 3 hens), my medicinal plant gardens, my vegetable garden, my fruit orchards and my native trees. I have also begun planting medicine plants here – on Mother’s Day 🙂

I sense I have been strengthening my energy body and signature because I am almost exclusively in direct contact with the natural world. I haven’t felt this healthy, clear, or grounded in by BEing in a very long time.

During my fast, the name of my new educational organization rose to the surface . . .I’ve been waiting for 2 years to see and feet it all the way! 

The Center for Sacred Ecology.

During this time of sabbatical I have committed to living in ceremony, going with the flow of my days, listening, and responding to the call of Spirit. Getting to know the clear yeses and no’s of my heart even more. Grateful for an abundance of organic food sprouting out of this land, and the pure oxygen to keep me moving. Daily QiGong to keep me supple . We have been selling the most incredible greens from our gardens and lemons from our trees, and gifting much too, and everything feels in order. We have exactly what we need to live – nothing more, nothing less. All needs are met.

Since my first fast on my land during the April full moon,  many others have asked to receive the medicine of the 4-day, 4-night wilderness quest. After checking in with Spirit, the land and my heart, I sat down and committed with a YES. I recorded 5+ hours of preparatory workshops for fasters prior to arrival,  and have designed a  basic 7-day on-site program . . . . with complete ease.

Milagros is my assistant, and helps on the “arrival day” with the fasters as we more fully prepare them to cross the threshold the next day, and she comes back on their last day when we sit in story council and witness the medicine which they have committed to carrying home and into their communities. My School of Lost Borders training and work has finally matured to bear fruit – almost completely by surprise. Planned by Spirit in the back room 🙂  My heart is full, as I sit in the seat of my vocation.

I have just ushered my 2nd group across the threshold today. My arrow is aligned and aimed clearly, and it feels good and right to be holding this space while I live upon this land which is SO happy to receive wilderness questers. So grateful to share this with Milagros and watch her grow and blossom. Humbly, I continue to learn this medicine by living it and experimenting, and I continue to Live by learning.

Eventually when Costa Rica’s borders open again I will welcome international fasters here, as part of a longer program, but for now my offering is local and national – after this current fast, just one fast per month until it gets far too rainy to comfortably continue, likely September.

I hope all is well with you in the far north, where I hope spring is a riot of color and that you have enough freedom to move about despite quarantine restrictions. I see there is quite a lot of movement with CoCreavatars, and I wish all of the best for the building of the team and vision. I am in full ally-ship from here in Costa Rica, unable to be present on Zoom calls but  here / there in Spirit, holding this middle space from the land of the quetzal, jaguar and hummingbird.

Sending lush cloud forest vibrations to you dear Anam Cara, and many blessings for your life.

I love you,

I love us.

Thank you.
