Optimism During Crisis

By Ludmilla Reis

It is been a long time since I have last shared here in the CoCreavatars Newsletter. Living through great changes both personally and collectively, these past months have been very intense, beautiful, and challenging cycles. It is clear we are undergoing profound changes as a collectiveness. I notice how old paradigms are falling, masks are falling, deeds and fears are being clearly revealed… I see this impacting the lives of those around me, my own life, I see it impacting nations and of course impacting the Earth herself. Big changes rarely come about without generating a crisis. And a crisis is generally not an easy thing to experience. I pretend to share now and on following writings a little bit of how this process has been for me with the intention to share and receive strength, tools, ideas, empathy and the vision with and from those who may read these words.

As a Brazilian privileged white woman, it has never been so challenging to face the crisis that is undergoing our society now. The rise of an extreme political view towards militarization and exploitation of nature is using violent, racist, and misogynous speeches and approaches openly. This is being legitimated the elected current president, a former military that is being considered the Brazilian Donald Trump. It is important to mention we have recently faced a big environmental crisis due with the breakdown of three mining damns which flooded with millions of cubic meters of mining rejects entire rivers and has taken lives and made cities vanish off our maps – sending light to all traumatized souls living and not living who have been through these tragedies. A deep state of fear is being generated, there are dozens of dams at risk of perishing as well… but in a subjective level, installing a state of fear seems like the means for some people. In my relation with human rights collectives and initiatives I have come to know about many profile hackings, mass diffusion of personal cellphone numbers of activists who are being subjected by threats and offenses, receiving intense amount calls and messages originated all over the country. It is an impressive web that targets small people, who have a very local and focused intervention, people like you and me. It is a dark bizarre scenario and to sustain our democratic rights, the freedom of speech, political view, gender and being we must keep both eyes wide open…

Somehow, we always knew big changes were coming, we might even have prayed for it, and let’s not be naive, nobody ever said it was going to be easy. In Chinese, the same ideogram that stands for “crisis”, also means opportunity. It bears the ancient eastern knowledge that one always comes along with the other, when something is falling, dying, it will make the space for something new to rise, to live. Thus, trusting this premise is a good starting point to face the deepness of the crisis with some optimism. Being in nature lifts us from the day to day drama and connects with a deeper sense and meaning for life. Times are calling us to be alert, to stay strong, to be accountable and clear with our commitments, to act with strategy and precision. Attentive and effective dedication to our self-care and self-love to sustain our center and peace-of-mind amidst all turmoil is essential.  In this sense, practical and spiritual tools have been playing key roles in my life and I hope to be sharing some of them on the following newsletters. Deep regards being sent from these tropics of Capricorn to the world, and until next month.