• d e a r p l a c e n t a •

By Sarah Love

Have you ever heard of a Lotus Birth?

Have you ever considered the beautiful organ that nourished you in Mama’s womb? In many cultures, this organ is revered for its sacredness, power and protective qualities. The placenta is honored and treated as a living being.

Allowed a gentle and natural process of detachment from the baby. Or allowed the time it needs before being cut or burned in a ceremonial manner.

A lotus birth is when we don’t cut the cord, but allow it to naturally detach from the baby. You place the placenta in a bowl after birthing and cure it with salt, flowers and herbs.

Being pregnant has opened my eyes and heart to ancient practices like these…

I never thought about my placenta, and upon remembering my connection to this being that nourished me through my mother’s womb, I realized a deep sadness and sense of loss.

Unfortunately in most hospitals, they take the placenta away, after immediately cutting the cord and proceeding to “throw away” the “medical waste”.

(It’s been found that they actually steal this precious resource of life force, stem cells and all to redistribute, sell and experiment with.)

My mother wasn’t aware of my unique connection to my placenta,

And many of us never hear any mention of it our whole lives…

To my dear placenta… I love you and am sorry we were separated in such an awful way. Thank you for being my angel and best friend in the womb. For nourishing and protecting me. Whatever they did with you was hurtful, the way they cut us apart and threw you away has me with feelings of anger and confusion. I send my deepest apology, I send you my love. I offer forgiveness. I allow myself to grieve the abrupt severance we experienced….I love you so much.

The disconnect in today’s birthing practices has me enraged!

What to do but create a new experience.. holding reverence for the process and trusting in my innate wisdom as a woman of many generations of natural birth.

My will is to hold the torch for sacred natural birthing practices and empower others through my own experience. 

Every birth is sacred, we deserve the transformational experience that only 

Birthing can offer us as women.

This book ‘Placenta, the forgotten chakra’ by Robin Lim is incredible. 

I highly recommended this to anyone and everyone, especially those

Curious about their dear Placenta.
